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A/n - I couldn't resist lol

"Shut up ! That's my favorite bar, I go there all the time ! Well not for the drinks obviously but to hang out and shit" She said as her face lit up and i couldn't help but chuckle and smile back.

"You have to make me a drink later on then, you must have great bartender skills for sure" She said as she shot me a smile that showed her pearly whites, and i think in that moment i melted just by looking down at her eyes.

"I'll be here just let me know"

"I'll look for you" I nodded my head and smiled at her as she looked at me one last time, but started to make her way to greet all my other friends.

"Wait-wait is she the one that likes you ?" I quickly turned around to look at David and he just seemed startled for a second but then regained his composure and lifted his eyebrow.

"Madison ? She had a crush on me for a bit but nothing ever happened." He shrugged his shoulders as he kept looking around at the party probably seeing where he could get some quick shots.

"I want to know why you never did anything about it" I said as I leaned up by the bar and sat in the stool. He just sighed and shook his head fixing his cap on his head.

"I don't know, scared of commitment maybe. It's nothing like personal i like being by myself right now but she's a great friend i honestly never felt that connection with her." I nodded my head and looked over at her as she hugged Zane, i couldn't help but look down at my hands and play with them.

I'm a love at first sight person, i know i'm going to fall in love with that person the second i see them, i get this overwhelming feeling, it doesn't happen a lot to me.

I'm not the type of person who like gradually falls for someone, i mean i can be but it doesn't happen you know ? The second i see someone and i like them i fall hard.

"So what about you ? Why aren't you dating again ?"

"I uh after Megan left i kinda just tried to keep myself busy so i wouldn't think about her." I said thinking about my ex girlfriend.

As the music kept going i couldn't help but just start wandering around to see what i could find or who i could find.

The music was blasting and everyone was dancing and socializing, i couldn't help but look over at the cake and the dessert bar and see how well decorated it was.


Looking over at Natalie to see her giving me a sad smile she came up to me and just gave me a hug. Without thinking i hugged her back and held her tight, as we pulled away i looked at her eyes and saw pure care.

"What was that for ?"

"I heard you talk about her again to David, he sucks at comforting people well also cause that happened to him too" I smiled at her and nodded as she kept a hold of my hand and lead me back to the group that was all sitting down at a booth.

"You haven't gone out in a while, why don't you try to mingle or hang out with the guys. Zanes trying to come up with a new drink but i don't think that's working out for him" She said as she hinted towards Zane who was just filling up a cup with a lot of different drinks at once.

"I think i'm good here, why don't you go and hang out with Todd he probably wants his girl with him" Rolling her eyes she shook her head as she leaned her head on my shoulder and looped her arm around mine.

"I see Todd everyday, i don't get to hang out with you a lot cause you're always working,"

"Someone has to keep Playboy running" I chuckled looking at everyone dancing and having a good time, as my eyes wandered i saw Madison talking to two guys, one of them kept being touchy and they did seem like they could be a item.

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