Uchiha Naruto?

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Uchiha Sasuke loved his brother very much and hated disappointing him and that was the only reason he was going to apologise to the dobe. It wasn't like he was feeling bad about making fun of an orphan, no matter how much his nii-san liked him. And didn't that sting,the class clown held more of his brother's attention than Sasuke did.

Even now the dobe was wailing about ramen, holding a his freshly returned history test with a failing grade.

"Naruto." He called out, approaching him, taking his brother's advice not call him dobe, at least during the apology.

"Teme." He sneered back, apparently still sore over yesterday's ribbing.

"I wish to apologise for what I did the other day." Sasuke managed to bite out.

"Did your brother make you say that?" Naruto shot back.

"What does that matter to you?" Sasuke managed to bite back the 'dobe'. He would like to honestly tell his brother that he did this properly.

"Yeah. Whatever." The dobe waived him off retuning to his ramen obsession. Sasuke was just about to consider the mission a success when Naruto called out, "Wait!"

"What is it?"

"You're an Uchiha right?"


"If you want me to forgive you, you'd have to help me with something."

"I'm not helping you with your stupid pranks." Sasuke protested.

"As if I need any help with that." The dobe scoffed. "I need you to help me figure out if I'm an Uchiha."

Sasuke waited for the punchline but Naruto just sat there looking at him with a serious face.

"That was a joke, right?"

"No. Shisui-nii told me yesterday that he asked Hokage-jiji to let him take care of me because we're family. And that he couldn't say anymore because he was ordered not to. But nothing is stopping me from finding it out myself, dattebayo." Naruto raised his fist.

Sasuke was trying to digest the possibility of Naruto being an Uchiha when the pink hair girl that followed him everywhere, Saku-something, piped up from beside them, "Actually, you could get in trouble if the information is classified."

"But, Sakura-chan, how can it be classified from me, if it's about me?" Naruto wailed.

"First of all, stop talking that loudly." Sasuke snapped. "If it's really classified information, you could get Shisui into trouble. Secondly, there's no way you could be an Uchiha."

"Why not? Shisui-nii is an Uchiha. If he's my family then I must be one too."


"There must be a way to get proof either way." Sakura interupted.

Sasuke was just about to tell her to stop interfering, when a sinister idea came to his mind. "There is. All Uchiha, even ones with diluted blood, especially the strong ones, have the potential to develop Sharingan."

"Shari- what?"

"The Sharingan is the dojutsu of Uchiha clan that appears selectively among its members. It grants the wielder two broad abilities: the Eye of Insight and the Eye of Hypnotism." Pinky recited.

"Yes, it develops when a ninja with Uchiha blood experiences great distress, like being in a dangerous situation." Sasuke informed further.

"How will that prove whether I'm an Uchiha or not?" Naruto spoke in his usual volume.

"There's an training area for high level ninjas. It's called Forest of Death. You are bound to experience a dangerous situation there. If you you develop the Sharingan, it would prove that you are an Uchiha."

"Really? Yatta!! I'll go there right now. Do you know where it is?" The idiot crowed.

"Of course." Sasuke answered with a smirk.

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