Taekook- P1! m' tiwed daddy

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Little : Jungkook
Caregiver: Taehyung

In which Jungkook is overwhelmed with all the work, with the dance teacher making him stay back to practice more than the others, his english lessons, more vocal lessons, and co-producing a song. He's low on sleep and barely eats. Taehyung finds him in the bathroom crying at 3 am.


"We're done for the day" the dance teacher claps his hands together, everyone slumps to the floor after intense practice, breathing heavily. They start packing up, but the dance teacher calls Jungkook back.

"Ah Jungkook-ah, except you missed an hour of practice yesterday, you stay back today and practice that one move you can't do. " he says and Jungkook huffs, he sets his stuff back on the floor and stands up again. He has missed an hour yesterday because he was assigned extra vocal lessons yesterday, he didn't want to miss the practice, it wasn't his choice. He definitely didn't expect to catch up on his dance practice at 2 am. He had a meeting with Bang PD-nim that day at 7 too. He gave the others a sad smile and got to practice with his dance teacher again, his muscles aching.

The dance teacher made him do it over and over and over and over, an hour passed before the dance teacher called it a day. 3:30 am his watch read. He got his stuff and got out of the hot air of the practice room, bowing to the dance teacher.

"Oh Jungkook-ah can you come help me with this for a bit it'll only take 5 minutes" Said Slow Rabbit, Jungkook came into the studio reluctantly.

It did not take 5 minutes.

In fact, it took another hour of Jungkook's precious sleeping time. The producer said a thank you, Jungkook just walks not hearing anything at this point. it was 5:15am by the time he gets to his room, his muscles ache and his stomach empty, he hadn't eaten dinner the night before. He felt poorly. He faceplants into his bed, and falls asleep. His rest limited to an hour and 15 minutes at best. That day he would wake up to another day of a jam packed schedule..

"*crash* yah! Namjoon-ah what have I said about being in my kitchen! " Yelling outside wakes Jungkook out of his slumber, he looks up tiredly at the clock. 6:08am it read, less than an hour of sleep. He closes his eyes again, trying to get a little bit more sleep in.

"Yah! " another yell, and Jungkook is close to crying. He was just so tired. He gets out of bed to see what the ruckus was about. I'll sleep in the car. He thought, he gets ready for the day, combing his hair and changing his clothes. His eyes bloodshot and dark eye bags under his eyes. Good enough. He walks outside, greeted by his hyungs. He doesn't respond, too tired to. For breakfast some eggs and water, just a light breakfast as they all had alot for dinner.. Well all except Jungkook. Jungkook eats his eggs and drinks 2 cups of water with them. The hyungs are talking, conversing with each other, but he doesn't here what they're talking about.

"Kook-ah? " He has his name he tiredly looks up, humming

"Namjoon asked if you were almost done with the song " ah... That's right, the song, he remembers to slip that into the schedule.

"Morning baby" Taehyung comes out of his room, wrapping his hands around Jungkook's shoulders, Jungkook whimpers at the nickname, but doesn't respond. Taehyung plants a kiss on his cheek and pulls up a chair to sit next to him. Jungkook allows himself to relax a little in Taehyung's touch. Taehyung eats his breakfast, and the others continue their conversation.
Taehyung has his hand around Jungkook's waist. Jungkook's head lying on his shoulder.
Once everyone was done the loaded the dishes into the dishwasher and got into the cars. And Jungkook got paired up with the the loudest person... Hoseok.
Now, Hoseok knew Jungkook was tired, so he tried to be quiet. Code word tried.
He ended up singing loudly half way through the ride.

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