Namkook-"Daddy play with me! " P1

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In which Namjoon is too tired to take care of Koo and accidentally snaps at him over the span of a day.

Namjoon is working on their next comeback song, it's already 11 pm and he hasn't even had any lunch. Meanwhile, at the Bangtan household, a sleepy Koo sits at the counter, staring at the front door and waiting for Namjoon to comeback so that he can show him the drawing he made for him. Namjoon hasn't been home much these 2 weeks, hasn't had any time to play, cuddle, or even love koo. But Koo still has hope that maybe, one night Daddy will come home and hug him and give him kisses before bed, and not just ignore him, like he usually does after a tiring day.
"Koo darling, it's time for bed" Jin taps the little's shoulder, the little shakes his head.
"Nu.... Pwease? "
"Koo, you're sleepy already, come on uo to bed, I can tuck you in " Koo looks up at Jin again, tears forming in his eyes.
"Wan' daddy to tuck Koo in, haven't seen daddy aw'l day... " he sniffles, Jin crouches down to his level, wiping away the little's tears.
"Why Daddy nu w'ove Koo, Jinnie? Was Koo bad? Didn't mean to be bad" Tears flow down his face, Jin pulls him into a hug, stroking the crying little's hair.
"You weren't bad, my dear...
Your Daddy loves very much koo, very very much, he's just too stupid to see how much he misses you too" After a little bit Jin obliges to Koo's request of waiting for Namjoon, he has til' 12:30 am before bed. He grabs Koo a piece of paper and his special paints, So that he can paint while waiting for Namjoon.
The boy of course , paints red carnations, a symbol of "I miss you " and ladybugs, a symbol of love. On the bottom, he tries his best to wrilittle싶다" on the bottom of the paper with a pen. The boy was always good at art, big or little.

(Koo's painting hehe I made this- I tried to make it look like some type of toddler
Now he had two drawings for his daddy, a drawing of his Daddy working and him outside the door, and of course the carnations
He stares at the door again, waiting patiently, it takes another 30 minutes before the door finally clicks, Koo jumps up and grabs his papers. A very tired Namjoon trudges through the door, taking off his coat and hat.
"Daddy! You back! " Koo says, smiling from ear to ear, Namjoon pushes him aside and walks towards his room.
"Daddy? " the little follows the man, tilting his head.
"Daddy.. " he tugs the mans shirt, Namjoon looks back at him and gives him a stern look.
"D-daddy Koo made-"
"Why are you still up, it's past your bed time. " Namjoon says in a harsh tone, shooting daggers at the little.
"Jinnie Hyungie said-" Namjoon cuts him off, getting into the littles face, he lifts the little's head with his thumb and pointer finger, squeezing the boys chin.
"Go. To. Bed. Now. " Namjoon growls at Koo, tears spilled from his eyes and he sniffles at harsh treatment he's getting from his caregiver.
"M-m' s-sowwy no m-m-mean b-be b-b-bad" he stutters, Namjoon let's go of him with a push, the little falls down a loud thump rings out as his body hits the cold hard floor. He sobs harder, but tries to contain himself when Namjoon opens the door just to spit a "shut up" at him. He picks up his papers and puts it on the counter. He grabs about 10 pieces of paper and his crayons, always drawing his emotions. He scurries outside with paper and a pack of crayons in his left hand, a flashlight , and a thin cloth blanket. He doesn't want to see his Daddy. Doesn't want to see anyone, he wants to see how his Daddy likes it when he leaves, tomorrow is the start of his free week after all. Koo goes outside flashlight in his right hand, closes the door quietly. He'll go sleep in the fort big Jungkook made in the woods. [ for context some houses have woods behind their backyard that's considered their property] why does he have a fort? You may ask, well.... Incase there's an emergency like what happened last time.
(He forgot his keys inside the house and all his hyungs were at the company building he had to wait 4 hours til someone got back.)

[Imagine it having a wooden kids foldable table covering where the entrance is]

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[Imagine it having a wooden kids foldable table covering where the entrance is]

It's quite deep in the woods, which thankfully don't have any dangerous animals in them, he made it when the hyungs were with their families for the weekend of chuseok. He had some essentials in there, a box full of water bottles, some food, sleeping bag, and of course a lights( lanterns that can be charged in sunlight) . He always kept them out when he wasn't using it. He walked for a bit, stopping when he reached the fort. I grabs a lantern and turns off his flashlight. He walks inside the stick fortress and sits down on the floor, of course he put down those waterproof picnic mats [for camping search it up lol] on the dirt floor, he isn't an animal. He sat down on his sleeping bag and got the wood table from the entrance and drew, until his eyes got droopy he put the papers in the box where the water was and closed the entrance with the table again. He snuggled up in his sleeping bag, put the thin blanket on himself and slept.

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