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Smoke came to visit Kefie "Hey Kef, um so how are you feeling?" Kefie sighed "Tired as f*ck.. And kinda nauseous, but I can deal with it until it's over." Smoke he rubbed Kefie's leg "I'm sorry." Kefie huffed before he spoke again "Sorry couldn't begin to cut this, but I'm not mad." Kefie pushed Smoke off of his leg and got up for the day. Kefie sat in the living room and Snitchy approached him "So how's everything feeling? The usual sick and tired?" Kefie looked at Snitchy a little surprised "Y-yeah.." Snitchy pets him "I know the first few months suck a*s but it gets a little better." Kefie smiled a little knowing one of his friends went through the same thing he felt safer talking about it to them, "Wait, Snitch how do you know?" Snitchy sighed "Because I've been through it, I got pregnant a few times actually.. But my body miscarried the first and I aborted the others." Snitchy looked down a bit. Snitchy then left for work without another word. Berry was in her room snoring a bit, Droplet by her side they were always around each other but elusive to the gang itself. Kefie got up and went to school, everything was normal besides a lingering drowsiness. First and second flew by him but third that strong nauseating feeling came back, Kefie put his hands over his mouth trying to keep it together as class was just about to leave. As soon as class was over Kefie ran to the bathroom and threw up, when he stopped he went to lunch sitting by Smoke quietly. Smoke hugged Kefie "What's wrong?" Kefie whined "Well throwing up before lunch isn't ideal for me.." Kefie faked a smile and lays on Smoke. Smoke held Kefie and ate lunch as Kefie soon fell asleep. Smoke woke Kefie up at the end of lunch and they went to their next periods, the day went mostly as normal. Things went on like this for awhile, everyone at school thought Kefie was gaining weight due to stress eating or something and they ignored him. Kefie's belly had gotten much bigger and became hard to hide, his old school bully saw this as an opportunity to pick on him. Larkspur approached Kefie during lunch "Hey chubs, everyone's wondering why you're suddenly getting fat after years of being anorexic" they shoved Kefie down. Kefie whined "B-be easy please" Larkspur snickered "why should I?" they lifted their leg back as to kick Kefie which in panic mode yelled out "I'm pregnant!" they stopped and put their leg down "You're even more of a loser now, you're not even worth my time anymore" they walked away and Kefie started crying. Smoke ran to Kefie and took him to lunch trying to calm Kefie down. Kefie eventually calmed down, months soon passed and it was after lunch again the day passed pretty quickly, and last period he texted Smoke 'I'm excited to meet up' Smoke replied 'yeah I'm excited to see you too' class ended and they met up. Larkspur walked up to them after everyone left "Umm hey guys.." Kefie growled "what do you want?" the bully blushed and looked down, "I wanted to say I'm sorry."Kefie looked at Larkspur "I guess maybe if you leave us alone then.. I could forgive you" the guy smiles "I was also going to ask, c-could I feel it?" Kefie puffed his fur out defensively "No.." Larkspur pouted "Please?" Smoke touched Kefie's shoulder "Just let him feel, it will be easier for everyone." Kefie crossed his arms "Fine.." Larkspur smiled and felt Kefie's stomach feeling a soft kick, "That's so cute" Kefie huffed and stormed off dragging Smoke home. Life became boring for a few weeks, Kefie and Smoke did school work as normal. Once it was the weekend Kefie got a message, he looked confused. Smoke looked at him, "Whats up?" Kefie growled a bit "Did you give him my f*cking phone number?!" Smoke looked down "yeah.." Kefie huffed "I guess I'll reply.." Larkspur started typing 'so um I needed to ask about.. You know' Kefie looked confused 'Ask about what?' Larkspur 'Well, what's it like to be pregnant..?' Kefie typed back 'why?' Larkspur replied quickly 'I am thinking about having a kid' Kefie put the phone down and turned a movie on. After a few weeks Larkspur seemed to be getting bigger and rumors started on him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2020 ⏰

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