SHO- 1

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As some of you might remember, after FTO season 2 came a series known as Superhero Origins. (I recommend it! It was really good, in my opinion!) Although I didn't make characters for season 1, I did make some characters and a rough timeline for season 2 . . . which probably won't happen. So, I'm putting the prologue here! I really enjoy these characters, and I had so much more planned for them that never got to happen. If by some miracle season 2 does happen, I will definitely continue this. For now, enjoy what I have written!

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"Why did you follow me here?" I yell in frustration

"Y-you hadn't been replying to m-my messages, an-an-and I was starting to get worried!" Brooke says, her words stumbling out quickly. "I didn't know that y-you had a special, secret base!"

"Did it ever occur to you that I wanted some time to myself?" I ask as I begin to pace back and forth.

"Y-you could h-have at least replied to m-my texts!"

"I always turn my phone on airplane mode when I get here so that no one can bother me." And so that it's a bit harder for the authorities to find out what I'm doing here.

"I'm s-so sorry Jade! Now the police are going to come here for no reason."

I turn to face Brooke and look her dead in the eyes. "You called the police?"

"I'm sorry! I shouldn't have done it w-without knowing what happened, but I thought you had b-been kidnapped or something!" she says, trying to hold back tears.

Don't lose control. "The police are coming here?"

She nods.

"Because they think I've been kidnapped?"

She nods more vigorously this time.

I sigh as I realize how much work I'm going to have to do in order to fix this.

"I-I can help you if you want me to! I can do w-whatever you need me to! Just say the word! I feel s-so bad about what I did, an-and I want to make it up to you!"

First, I need to get her to stop talking so I can think straight.

"I promise that nothing like this will h-happen ever again!"

Where's that sleeping powder that Hypnosis gave me? I begin to look through my many draws and cabinets, taking out anything important that I don't want the police to find as I search for the blue vial.

"I did a terrible thing, an-and I should have asked you first."

Ah, here it is. I pull out the small vial of blue-ish purple dust and uncork it.

"I'll b-be very careful in the future, and I'll never—"

I carefully toss a little dust in Brooke's face and watch as she falls to the ground, knocking down a chair.

Great idea, Brooke! I'll make it look like there was a struggle. I could set it up as if I kidnapped myself, or rather, Jade was kidnapped by the villain that used to live in this house. My heart sinks at the words "used to".

I shake myself back into action. There's no time to get attached to the base. Remember your training. Emotions will only lead to disaster. I need to get out of here and get to Hypnosis as quickly as possible. He'll need to take care of Brooke's memories.

I knock over a few more objects and scatter papers all over the floor, making sure that none of them would lead back to me.

How can I make this really look like I was kidnapped? My hand goes to my phone almost out of habit. I pull it out of my pocket. Let's make Brooke's side of the story a bit more believable. I send a few messages to Brooke's phone saying, "help" and "kidnapped". I take one more longing look at my phone. I can't really hang on to this, can I? Might as well use it as proof for my story. I throw my phone to the ground and wince as the screen shatters.

Now that I've gotten that all taken care of, I need to make sure that Brooke never remembers our conversation. Hypno owes me a favor from a few weeks ago. I just have to get over to his place in the black market, and quickly. I drag Brooke through the front door and set her down on the grass. I glance around making sure that no one else has found my former base.

I take off my jacket. Wouldn't want that to get ripped. I feel the back of my shirt, making sure that there are holes in it. Perfect. That makes this a lot easier.

I close my eyes and focus on letting go of my emotions as I shift, black wings tipped in purple growing out of my back. I flap them a few times. Nothing seems to have gone wrong.

I start to realize that I will probably be seen flying over the forest. I can work that to my advantage in some way. I look down at Brooke's unconscious figure in the darkness. She doesn't look that different from me, and it will be hard to recognize her in the night. Her dark brown hair could easily be mistaken for my black hair. She's about my height. I'm a bit skinnier than her, but it will be hard to see that if I'm carrying her. If she's wearing my jacket, it'll be very easy to mistake Brooke for an unconscious Jade being taken by some mysterious villain. All I have to do is change my face a bit and it'll be perfect.

Enough planning. I shift my features slightly and change my dark-brown eyes to a vibrant purple, memorizing my new face. They could be here any second. I put my jacket on Brooke, pick her up, and fly towards the island.

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