part-1. where am I?

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(Ash P.O.V)
I fell threw a portal again but this time it was different I've visited multiple "universe's " but this one feels off. I got up off the ground and started to walk. it seems to familiar maybe I've been here before but I just can't seem to remember. As I walk I stumble across a man with a cup for a head same thing with the other one. "Can u guys help me I'm a bit lost" I ask "sure" the smaller one says "I know this place like the back of my hands" he says "what's your name" the taller one says "Ashley but u can call me ash" I say confidently "well I'm cuphead but you can call me cup and that's my bro mugman but you can call him mugs" cup says "now here you want to go" mug said "o-oh I'm not going anywhere I just want to know where I am" i said nervously "well your in maple street" said cuphead "I mean you can stay with us if you want to" mugs says a bit too excited "u-umm I'm not to sure, I don't want to be in the way" I say not too sure of my self "don't be silly you won't be in the way of anything" mugs says while looking at cup "can she pppppplllllleeeeeeaaaaaassssssseeee"mug plead "ok ok she can stay" cup said annoyed "YYYYYAAAAAYYYYY" mugs said happily "sooo where do we go now" I say "back at are place" cup said as we started walking

(Cup's.P.O.V)+time skip

She seems to be nice mugs really seems like her he couldn't stop talking to her he hole way here "cup" ash says "yeah" I say while searching for the pillow mugs hid fom me "do.. you know about D.T" she said not to sure of her self "what?" She walk in the room and lock the door behind her, I started to get really nervous "D.T do you know what it means?" She said inpatient "n-no why?" I said nervously "D.T stands for Dimension Travel" she said with a tone "and why exactly do i need to know that?" I said curiously "because I need you t-" she said before someone crash in the window "GET DOWN NOW" she yells, I get down behind my bed I look up over my blanket to see Ashley being choked by someone "BACK OFF" I yell while pointing my fingergun "ppp-fff HAHAHAHAha what are you gonna do shoot me?" The guy said while laughing, I point my fingergun up at the ceiling and shoot "yes yes I will if you don't put her down" I said impatiently.

(Ash's. P.O.V)

It's hard to breath my vision starts to get blurry "well your gonna have to cache me first" I here max say, (authors note: max is the guy chocking Ashley) I start to blackout

(Cuphead's P.O.V)

I snatch Ashley out of the guys hands before he jumped in the portal, I check to see if she's ok and at the same time mug busted down the door "what in hell happend her-" he paused after seeing ash in my arms "some guy crash thru the window and chocked her now she's out cold" I said a bit winded "jeez, put her to bed for now" mug said while exiting the room

(Ashley's P.O.V)+TIME SIKP 3 HOURS

I wake up and sit down on the bed and see cuphead asleep on the ground next to the bed how adorable.... I wonder if max is gonna come back.....

○authors note: *has nothing to say*

○sooo I might do the story up til chapter 13 or more idk =/

○ thx for reading I guess
Here is a lovely photo

○ thx for reading I guess Here is a lovely photo

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