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" Well even if they told me where the chips are that doesn't make this easier. Plus they only gave me enough to get half the list." I complained as I looked for the chips my parents sent me to get. My family is very powerful in this region, we are a rich and bold family. Almost every child from my family was a prodigy including me. I'm a violinist, a black belt in martial arts, even trained with weapons people triple my age couldn't use. But that just my talents, that day was my birthday, my fourteenth, my parents sent me to get food. I suppose to get me out of the house so they could set up my party. That was when the worse happened.

"D, hey we have to talk." My sister nervously said as she came in the store. " Why, did something happen". " Well just come with me to the bank." I knew there was a problem so I took my bike to my home. I wish I didn't go. What I found was the charred remains of what was my childhood home. "Where are my parents?" I asked a nearby police officer."You lived here? I am truly sorry."as he said that I knew what had happened.This was the remains of my home and my parents."D, come on we have to go"said Sasha my sister. So that was the end of my semi normal life. As I walked to the car I saw a pocket watch on the ground I decided to pick it up to remember my parents.
In the limo my sister was crying all of this was a bit sudden and it was understandable.Me even being the youngest didn't shed a tear. I've been trained to be calm but not my sister. Inside though I felt almost dead. "Hey Sis it'll be alright we are going to uncle you will be fine. So stop crying." I said reassuringly. " How can you be calm now are lives are ruined!" Sasha was breaking down. My father always said I was the strongest mind but it's hard to keep sane sometimes.That was when a force shook the limo and we flipped. The next thing I saw was a black S.U.V with Winchester on front then black.
"Hey! D wake up it's time for our daily jog."said Sasha shaking me."Have that Dream.again." That dream was a common one reliving that day every night is horrible, but that was my past.

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