Open Mic

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You know, people always say.. things happen when you least expect them too. Especially if it has anything to do with love. And trust me, I found that out in the wildest ways.
I see my oreo cupcake placed on the table by my brother, Dylan, and couldn't help but smile. "OMG, oreos!"

"Of course, you love them," my father says with a smile, as I smile back and then look back at the cupcake.

I put a candle in it and light it with the lighter on the table.

"Make a wish," my mom says.

I close my eyes, as I use all my breath to blow out the candle.

I wish..for my 16th birthday to be better than the past birthdays.

I open my eyes, seeing that I blew out the flame in one single breath and smiled.

Maybe this time it will be better...

After eating my cupcake, I ask my parents about the open mic I've wanted to go to for the past couple months.

"I guess, we can go since it is your birthday," my dad says, as I try to hide my smile.

I ran upstairs and grabbed my guitar, came downstairs and grabbed the keys," Ok let's go"


I spot the signup list and see the long list of people and sign my name with the space avaliable.

Hopefully they get to me in time..

"Hey, are you done with the pen?" A guy asks behind me and I give it to him.

I find an empty seat in the back with my family, waiting for my turn.


"Sara Wiliams, please come onto the stage," the open mic director calls out.
I take a deep breathe, as I hug the neck of my guitar and walk onstage.

"Hi, my name is Sara, and this is my first time being here," I say awkwardly, as I sit down on the stool, facing the audience and hearing applause.

"It's also her birthday," Dylan announces before everyone.

I sigh, as I hear birthday greetings from the room.

"Thank you," I say with a shy smile," anyways, uh the first song, you guys might know from TikTok, it's called Falling by Trevor Daniel."

I feel my fingers shaking, as I position for my fingers for the first chord and look back at the audience. My eyes land on this light skined, green eyed girl who nods, signaling to begin.

I start strumming the intro and begin to sing the first chorus, not losing my sight on her.

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