Chapter 7: Eclipse of the Sun

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The Hyrulian army was on an advance to the very northeastern corner of Hyrule, where Lanayru Valley, a place that Lana referred to as the Valley of Seers. Fortunately, though the morning had been spent taking care of the disaster in Faron Woods, the troops had finally been able to move on with the entire afternoon ahead of them, and thankfully, they had not worn themselves into exhaustion quite yet, all of them eager to push forward. Of course, Link, Lana, Impa and Sheik were among the most anxious to arrive at their destination, all of them wanting to cut off the flow of monsters at its apparent source.

As the troops steadily marched along to their destination, the white sorceress made good on her promise to divulge more information to her newfound allies about their common foe.

"I think it'd be best to begin with the Triforce…" Lana said with a sigh after Impa prompted her to tell them more about Cia. "You all know at least a little about it, right?"

"The Triforce…" Impa said with a cryptic nod. "Hyrule's holy relic and the source of its providence… There are many legends out there about it. I suppose that it is Cia's ultimate goal then, yes? After all, its power is great and unrivaled throughout the land."

"Well, the Triforce is only part of what she wants…" the white sorceress said a bit apprehensively. "There's something else too… But, I'm getting ahead of myself. Like I said before, Cia and I were from the same clan. We were taught the art of magic from a very young age, and… well, we pretty much grew up together…"

"So, you were close to her?" Link asked with a pitied frown upon hearing the clear sadness in Lana's tone.

The white sorceress sighed. "More than you could ever know…" she said as she kept her violet gaze upon the ground while she walked. "For years, everything was just fine. We both grew in power and skill and eventually, both of us received a message from the goddesses themselves… They wanted the two of us to watch over the Triforce and make sure that its power was protected from evil and misuse. Its balance is very fragile, and it was our job to keep it safe from the eyes of those who might seek to take it for themselves.

"The two of us moved to the seclusion of the Forbidden Woods to make sure that we could carry out our task in peace, without any influence from the outside world. However, our time wasn't idle. As payment for taking care of the Triforce, the goddesses granted us the ability to see across the ages. We were able to watch history unfold in every era, but most of the time, it was very boring. Cia often complained about it, only taking any real interest whenever there was a war or some big happening... Until…"

Lana paused as she finally looked up, casting a long glance over in Link's direction as he, like Sheik and Impa, continued to listen to her tale carefully. The white sorceress let out another small sigh, knowing that they all needed to know this information, as much as it brought her shame and guilt. "Until she saw… you, Link…"

The hero gave her a look of absolute confusion as the two Sheikah women also glanced over at him in wondering. Link had no idea what to make of this, so he simply prompted Lana to continue her story so that he could understand it better. "What do you mean?" he asked evenly, though he had no idea what he had to do with any of this.

"As I said, Cia and me were able to see the lives of everyone who ever lived, both now and in the past, but not the future," Lana explained, now averting the hero's confused gaze. "And as we watched time play out, a soul that was unlike any other caught her attention: a soul that has come to be called the Spirit of the Hero, one that is always reborn whenever Hyrule is facing certain doom. The Spirit of the Hero has had many bearers in the past, and Cia watched all of their adventures and battles with immense interest, and so would I. They were all just… so special… The way they would always so selflessly save Hyrule, triumphing over evil no matter what the cost… It was beautiful… And yet… it quickly became clear that Cia was way more enticed with them as I was… Eventually, she started falling in love with them, and with the very idea of the Spirit of the Hero itself. It was only as that love turned into obsession that things went from bad to worse…

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