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It was later in the day when Aokiji finally returned. I hadn't moved from my spot all day my eyes darted to the door as Aokiji walked through a big bucket in his hand. Walking over he stopped in front of me and tilted the bucket over, water sprayed all over the ground and onto my feet. I let out a loud scream as the ice began to melt away causing the water to hit my skin. The mixture of the heat and cold made it burn even more. The corner of my eyes teared up and I shook my feet trying to shake off any remaining water.

"Fuck fuck FUCK!"

The ice had completely thawed and my feet were left bright red.


Aokiji placed the bucket down on the ground before picking me up under my shoulders. I squirmed around in his hands as he walked towards the door. My feet felt like they were on fire, I bit hard on my lip, blood drawing and dripping down my lips.

"Sorry." Aokiji mumbled as we headed down the hallway.

"That fucking hurts!" I hissed out the pain in my feet finally easing slightly.

We walked into a new room and Aokiji placed me down on a bed. I let out a small gasp as I fell back onto the bed curling up into a ball to hold my feet.

"My feet are burning.." I gasped out holding them tighter.

Aokiji picked a blanket off from the side of the bed before covering me up the only thing sticking out was my head.

"I've made myself clear Y/N, stay away from that man."

I sucked in a deep breath before laying my head on the pillow.

"Good night Y/N."

I huffed out in response glaring down at the bed. Aokiji let out a sigh and I listened as his heavy footsteps left the room. The door slammed shut behind him and a heavy silence filled the room the only thing I could hear was my racing heart. I pulled my knees closer to my chest hugging them as I nuzzled into the blanket.

If I was to go for Kid now Aokiji would surely kill him and drag me back. The good part about all this was I finally knew who he was so even if I had to wait awhile it would be possible to find him. I'd just have to do it when things settled down or hope one day we'd meet by accident. My breath hitched in my throat and the nervous feeling returned to my stomach.

At least he was alive.

I groaned out in anger as I squirmed in my sleep. As I wiggled around the the pain soaring through my feet made me shoot my eyes open. I hissed out throwing the blankets off me they fell to the floor, my eyes darted down to my bruising feet. They were still red and big purple bruises could be seen starting to form.

Bringing my hands down I softly rubbed my feet. I took in a deep breath before sitting up on the bed. Shifting over to the side of the bed I placed my feet down on the ground. I pushed myself up off the bed stumbling around on my feet I fell into the wall. I used the wall to steady myself before limping towards the door.

I rubbed my eyes as my vision began to focus. I let out a small yawn before making my way down the hall.

I passed by marines my destination was the front of the building. I just needed to get out for some air. With my vacation ruined and my feet sore all I wanted to do now was take a walk.

"Lieutenant Commander!" I cursed externally, turning back I was met with a few marines.

"Excuse me ma'am we were told you would be able to help us."

Two marine boys stood nervously in front of me sweat dripping down them as they tried their best to stand straight.

"On whos orders?" I asked out coldly.

"A-Admiral Aokiji ma'am!" The other one replied.

"Shit." I mumbled under my breath.

"Im suppose to help you with what?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"The Admiral request that you monitor our training."

"What a bunch of— Sure things yea lets go."

Eustass Kid x Reader •Lost and Found•Where stories live. Discover now