Chapter 3 - Winnipeg

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Josefina is outside standing on the driveway cleaning a pink food truck when Aspen approaches.

"Oh Josefina, you always clean up the truck so nicely!"

"Awe thanks Asp! I actually like cleaning Grace's truck because she pays me in treats."

"Haha that's a good deal!" Aspen laughs.

"Yup, it sure is. Did the patio get cleaned yet?"

"I washed the table and cleaned the stones but you can set it up if you'd like."

"Okay sounds good, I'll head there next," said Josefina.

Josefina has always been the girl who will clean things for fun which is a huge help around the house. Grace comes outside and joins Josefina and Aspen.

"Thank you so much Josefina for cleaning the truck!" Grace exclaimed.

"Always my pleasure!"

"I'm going to be making some ice cream and other treats later, so let me know what you decide."

"Awesome, will do!" Josefina says as she leaves to go to the patio.

"Well Grace, when are we taking the truck out again?"

"I'm not sure yet. We'll have to not go on a rainy day because I don't want the truck to get muddy again," Grace explained.

"For sure, just let me know because I want to plan my camping trip."

"Okay, maybe I'll actually take vacation time this year."

"Haha, you said that last summer and you worked overtime the entire time!" Aspen says as she leaves.

"Hmmmm, I guess I did." 

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