Chapter 3: Lillian and Asher

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The sun crept through the curtains and landed on Lilly's face. The warmth and brightness woke her up and she smiled at the feeling. She opened her eyes and stretched out, feeling refreshed. Turning around she saw Asher lying next to her, sleeping peacefully. They were both naked- they preferred to be as nature intended. She admired his body and smiled to herself, wondering how she got so lucky. She brushed the back of her hand over his trimmed beard and moved up to his hair, slowly. He blinked lazily until his eyes adjusted to the light, turned up to her, and smiled widely. He immediately leaned up to kiss her and then he plopped back down.

"Good morning, beautiful," he smiled sweetly.

"Good morning to you, handsome," she laughed as she cuddled into him. He nuzzled into her as he moved his hand from her short chestnut hair to her cheek, down her breast, giving her goose bumps, and landing on her small stomach bump. He couldn't help but smile when he felt it. Lilly could feel his smile without seeing him and joined in. She placed her petite hand over his and their fingers intertwined.

"When are you going to tell them?" Asher whispered in her ear.

"I wanted to at dinner yesterday but she just ignored me," Lilly said sadly. Still holding Asher's hand in hers, she rubbed her hand over her stomach. She was three months pregnant and was just beginning to show, it was the slightest bump, but on Lilly's tiny body it was becoming noticeable. Asher kissed her on her temple and wiped away a tear that Lilly hadn't noticed fell down her cheek.

"I know you and your mom have troubles, but she does love you. The rest of your family loves you. I love you. Okay? Don't be sad. When do you want to tell her? We'll do it together." Lilly smiled to herself at his kind words. At one point in her life she thought she could never be happy again and then she met this man who made her feel like she could never be sad again. She looked up at him and answered, "I don't want to take away from Daddy's birthday. We'll tell her tomorrow. Okay?" "Anything you want, babe," Asher smiled as he kissed her again and rolled out of bed to get ready for the day. He was tall and lanky, but he had noticeable muscles with an overall attractive build. His rich colored hair hit around his shoulders and his beard was trimmed to perfection. Dawning his only pair of jeans, a black t-shirt, and a red and black flannel button-up, he was the epitome of a lumbersexual. He turned to look at Lilly and couldn't help but melt. She was tall and slender, completely beautiful. Even with her short hair she oozed femininity. After picking a piece of lint off of her cream-colored jump suit, she looked up at Asher and returned his smile.

"What are you smiling at?" she giggled. He embraced her and laughed along, "you, of course. You're so perfect." Lilly leaned her head against him and took a deep breath. Asher was her guardian angel and she knew she didn't deserve him.

They entered into the kitchen, hand in hand, to see that everyone was awake and drinking their morning coffee, except for Lola.

"Happy birthday, Daddy!" Lilly exclaimed as she jumped up to hug her dad. He laughed whole-heartedly and hugged her back, "thank you, baby." Lilly let go and moved back.

"Happy birthday, Mr. DeFrank!" Asher cheered genuinely as he shook Mike's hand.

"Thank you, Asher. Call me Mike, my boy," he said still shaking his hand, "this boy has a strong grip, Lil, I like him." Mike gave a wink to Lilly, making her laugh. He patted Asher's shoulder and offered them some coffee. Asher shook his head no while Lilly asked for tea.

"We don't drink tea in this house, Lillian. We never have," Carol replied coldly.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Lilly whispered as she lowered her head. Lisa and Cruz were keeping to themselves over in the corner while Mike gave Lilly "I'm sorry" eyes then turned to give Carol "be nice" eyes. Carol pursed her lips then walked over to stand by Lisa.

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