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Bakugou POV : "no.. sweetheart."
"I wasn't! I overheard you as I was going downstairs!"
I let out a noise and pushed him.
"Hey." His voice got sterner.
"You don't scare me dipshit." I told him sniffing.
He pinned me against the wall harshly.
"Is that so? Because if I remember correctly, you were the one scared to get a punishment off me the other day."
"I was a completely different person."
He tilted my head up towards his and kissed me harshly.
"Get—mhm-off" I managed to day through his soft lips
He pulled away and wiped my cheeks
"You don't ever talk to me like that again. I get that it's embarrassing and I get the fact you have a different mindset than you do when you regress. But you ever. Ever. Call me names again, it will be the last you see of me" his voice was so serious but calming at the same time.
I let out another ugly cry and burrowed in his chest.
"I'm sorry.." I said
"It's okay,I just had to get my point across. Get ready for me we're going out"
I came back through to the bedroom and sat on the end of the bed out of the way of the tv he was watching.
"Can I ask you a question Eiji?"
"We're like... dating right?" I asked cautiously
"I mean.. I thought so but if you don't feel comfortable with that we don't have to"
"N-no that's fine" I said abruptly
He looked at me and smiled, turning the tv off.
"You ready?" He asked
"Yup" I said checking I had everything.
We went and sat in his car getting ready to drive off
"Where we going anyway?" I question him
"That's for me to know and you to find out"

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