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The Morning After

Song: Easy by DaniLeigh ft. Chris Brown


The night was quiet for most of the part but inside of one home, there were two individuals who couldn't keep their hands on each other.  Once inside of the home, their hands roamed each other, lips exploring while clothes were torn off bodies and situated to the bedroom. It was like a heated sauna, body temperatures skyrocketed to the point one was either to submit to such intense pleasure.


He silenced her with an open mouth kiss, his heavy muscular frame situated on top of her smaller one. The roughness of his hands explored the curves of her body, gripping the flesh as he penetrated her pussy to his liking. Chloe whimpers in the kiss all the while pressing her nails into the depths of his torso and trying hard not to climax just yet.

On Jaxon's orders to say the least.

Jaxon pressed kisses along her flesh, one hand slithering to grip her neck while the other grips her thigh. Her scent was like a fucking addiction that he tried not to be consumed in but he was far gone. His hips piston at a rate that had Chloe choking on her screams, calling out his name as he left a few hickeys.

"Jax...please," She cries out to him. Her body shivers from the immense pleasure that she endures.

At the rate they both were fucking each other, Chloe wonder how much she could go throughout the night. After so long apart, there was pent out frustration between the two.

Before she could say another word, Jaxon was quick to slide his dick out with ease and flip the over-sensitive woman onto her stomach. The action caught Chloe by surprise but immediately hisses from the slap she received on her ass.


Chloe bites viciously into the pillow as she was positioned on her knees by the rough hands of the raging man behind her. She whimpers into the pillow feeling his hard dick slide inside her dripping pussy once again.

It didn't take long for Jaxon to get a steady rhythm that had Chloe clawing at the bedsheets. Both their bodies glistened with sweat, beads rolling down Jaxon's front and connecting with Chloe. His eyes were paying attention to his own dick sliding in and out, the tightness and wetness of Chloe driving him mad.

"Y-Yes, just like t-that," She stutters. "F-Faster....harder....just fuck me, Jax!"

Jaxon grunts, "Like this?" He withdraws slowly and slams back inside, jolting their bodies forward.

Chloe nods with a whimper, "Yes....again," She begs him, wanting to feel the surge from the man behind her. "Fuck!"

A smirk etched Jaxon's lips as he teased her entrance for a good minute before picking back up his pace. The moans, screams, and pleas from Chloe had Jaxon fucking her to the point she was close to coming all over his dick. The euphoric sensation they were experiencing together made them high from how they just jump bones for each other.

"J-Jax...I'm close,"

Jaxon didn't say a word but gripped her waist tighter as his hips met her ass at a pace that had her submitting even more to him. He could tell she was close to coming as he felt himself about to release. His chest heaved with heavy pants, ready to break any moment

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