Humble abode

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Angie was tough. Not mean, but tough. She was a small 5'2 with a tiny frame. Long chestnut waves cascade
behind her where ever she goes. Angie was born in a rough Puerto Rican neighborhood in the Bronx, and she had a strong personality to match it. She was the fiery one in the group, always being quick to call other out on their bullshit and being the first to stand up for any of her friends when needed. The girls loved Angie, and she loved back harder.
After a tough first two hours and forty minutes in Georgia, the girls were all in the uber on the way to the swanky Air bnb the Angie booked months in advance. Bukara was up front talking the ear off the driver who also happened to be from the same town in Haiti that her mother was from. The thick accents sounded almost melodic. Breaking the backseat silence Jackie started. "Georgia is freakin beautiful. The wedding photos are gonna come out sick." After sending a quick "I made it here baby, love you" to Pete, Angela looked up and past Angie out the window of the Surburban and really took it in. It was gorgeous. Absolutely picturesque. "God could you just imagine how beautiful the bride would look outside? The white dress will contrast so beautifully with all the colors." Angie and Jackie both nodded in agreement. "I wonder what the bride looks like." Jackie grinned. "I know." Angie and Angela both laughed. Of course Jackie knew. That caught Bukara's attention. She turned swiftly to face them, her dark tilted eyes narrowing at Jackie. "More social media snooping, eh Jack." To Bukara, Jack came out sounding like jock, but after all their years together, her accent sounded like anyone else's. Jackie smiled her wide smile and tossed her head back. "Look it isn't my fault I'm so curious! Besides, Facebook is one hell of a resource." She fished out a shiny back iphone from her purse and punched a few things in. Within seconds, a profile of their bride was right in front of their faces. Angela grabbed the phone. "Brooke Murphy. Yup that's our girl." She breathed a sigh of relief. Brooke looked maybe 5 years older than the girls, which was always a good thing whenever they got a bride close in age. That usually made for a less fussy client. "She sure is pretty." Jackie said scrolling nosily through this girls photos. With a mock southern accent she continued "a real Southern belle! Baby girl was lil' miss Georgia peach pie. She's got a real cute lil' dawg too." More laughter, This trip was looking up.
As they got out of their uber, they all looked, no gawked, at their place for the next two weeks. "Angie this place is gorgeous! It's perfect! And so big!" Angela said excitedly. Jackie was speechless. She still lived at home with her parents and Angela was the only one who knew that she still shared a bedroom with her 18 year old brother (yuck). She was looking up at the house with her mouth open, and for the first time with no words coming out of it. A gust of warm wind blew against her, causing her blonde corkscrew curls to fly in all directions, seemingly snapping her out of her trance. "Yeah Angie... good...good job." They walked in and it was even more spectacular. They set their bags by the front door and went to explore. The cozy living room was furnished with fluffy purple couches and a huge fireplace. Although it was Spring and they probably wouldn't have to use it, it made for a pretty sick centerpiece to the room. Bukara ran a hand over the couch. "Wow. This is sofder than my bed." The kitchen was next. It was immaculate. Like hospital level clean. White marbled countertops with an exposed brick wall. The girls were all pretty decent cooks and they were sure they'd be utilizing the very un-New York like kitchen space. A vase of fresh roses sat on the dining room mahogany table. The bedrooms came after. As the girls walk through, they made a promise to wait until they saw all the rooms before they chose who got what. That rule was broken immediately when Jackie saw the first room. She jumped on the bed and smiled "THIS ROOM IS MINEEE". It was an under the sea themed suite. The walls were turquoise with pear attributes. The bed was adorned with satin-y sheets that matched the curtains. Wonderfully painted photos of topless mermaids and seahorses statues were everywhere. This room screamed Jackie. The next room was neutral. That was the best way to put it. There were no over the top decorations or topless ladies, but there was a beautiful glass desk. Big enough for a computer, books, notepads and more. Angie stepped to the center of it. "This one is gonna be mine." Angela and Bukara smiled at each other. "All yours, Angie." Bukara said as she led Angela out into the enormous hallway that connected all the rooms. The next room was sensually kept dark with dark purple and gold painted walls. Scones with orange faux flames hung high on those walls. The bed was a queen but it was hidden under thin veils of red that hung from the ceiling. "Bukara, This room is so sexy." Bukara laughed. " I know! If I only had a man to share it with." The girls elbowed each other and laughed. Angela shrugged, "Hey I won't judge. What happens in Georgia, stays in Georgia." Angela walked into the hallway towards the last room in the back that by default would be hers and yelled, " Hey speaking of no judging, try not to bring any creepy men back here. If you do, keep it quiet. These walls are thin!" Jackie called out from her pirate ship of a room and called back, "Hey no promises. I'm a sucker for a good Southern accent!" Angela laughed quietly and walked into her room. "Oh Jack, you're so-". The sight of the room took her breath away. Since it was the last room facing the back of the house, she had an amazing view. A huge bay window with a soft nook cradled in it was the focus. The soft linen curtains were pulled back so Angela could see the view of the plush green grass and flowers outside. The walls were painted a soft yellow and the bed was a small cozy pink twin size. There were pictures of assorted sneakers and small kids playing in the sun hung on the walls. This bedroom was cozy and although Angela had never seen it before, it reminded her of home. She dropped her luggage, kicked her shoes off and slid under the covers, feeling the drowsiness from their long day kick in.

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