Chapter One

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It was a nice summer day in Georgia when Gwen met Lucy. Gwen was coming out of her Sunday service. She loved going to church, to her its been her safe haven. She put everything she could back into the church. Lucy was coming from a picnic in the park with her friend Oliver. 

The two of them went to the same school. But they have never interacted. Lucy was a free soul and believed nothing could hold her down, specially not god. Gwen always tried to avoid people like that. She believed that they were bad influences. In her mind anyone who didn't believe in god or go to church weren't the good kind of people. But she was also taught god always has a plan for everyone. 

"Hey watch where you're going!" Gwen yelled to Lucy. She yelled because Lucy wasn't paying much attention and walked into her. 

"Sorry, I didn't see you." Lucy responded. She had a half smile on her face. She didn't have a problem with Gwen, but it was made obvious that Gwen had a problem with her. It was never really a problem until now. 

"Yeah okay. Just pay attention next time." She said her finals and than kept walking. She walked all the home. Her parents had already left, but she stayed a little later to help clean up and take care of some of the Sunday school kids. She helped teach them from time to time. 

"Wow. I guess she really has a problem with people like us." Lucy said to Oliver, laughing. She looked behind her and watched her walk away. 

"Yeah, all of the church goers do. They think we're bad because we don't follow what they believe in. If someones different they don't like it." He replied. "Imagine if they knew I was gay and you were a lesbian. They'd go absolutely nuts." 

"Oh yeah. They most definitely would. That's the problem with them. They can't see whats good and new. They can't see whats right in front of them." 

Lucy and Oliver walked home. When Lucy got back to her house all she could think about was Gwen. She thought about the way she walked away. How when she looked back she was like a Georgia peach. She was sweet on the outside and a little sour on the inside. Lucy new she needed to find a way to get to know her. She wanted to know Gwen. Not the sweet, always goes to church, and is a dime in a dozen Gwen. But the Gwen who is hiding behind the sweet. She wants to find out what she is like on the inside. 

When Lucy got home she pulled out her notebook. The notebook that has all of her deepest darkest secrets. And she started to write...

"I can't believe the audacity, she really walked right into me and didn't even say anything. Ugh i wouldn't have cared that much if it wasn't her. She sets me off so badly. She makes me want to sin so bad. I know that I can't even be friends with her without my parents and the church judging. I could never ever do anything to go against that. But she makes my heart flutter. And I know that is the worse thing in the world. I could never be a lesbian. I am not a lesbian. And if this keeps up I'm going to need to get some help. I can't do this. I really can't do this. Maybe I could get a boyfriend. That could be good for me. It could help with what is happening." 

She finished writing and began to think of people she could date. She knew it would have to be someone from the church. So she thought and thought and thought, and made a decision. She would ask out Jake from the choir. He was really nice and he had said before that he liked her. So to her it was a perfect match. 

Gwen planned to ask her parents tomorrow morning to see if it was okay with them. Then if they said yes, she was going to go get herself a man. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2020 ⏰

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