C H A P T E R: 1

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That's the first word that comes out of his mouth as soon as he wakes up.
His head, muscles, his bones everything was aching heavily making him groan and grunt as he turns around in his sleep.

The sweet vanilla scent hits his nostrils making him move a little more close towards it,
"Y/n" he mumbles, his face hits something cushion-y and all he hears is a moaning sound from his opposite side which is when his eyes pop open.

He frowns, he blinks rapidly as he withdraws himself away from those breasts, trying to remember if you and him had hit it last night.

jungkook screams his lungs out at what he sees in front of him. He quickly pushes himself back, not even caring how he had hit his bum on the floor hard with a thud.

"Wha-wha-wha" the poor lad utters, he could not even muster up words at what he sees.... A very naked Jisoo, his classmate with whom he used to fling around with, lying in bed before him.

"Fvck!" He cusses, trying to remember what actually brought him here next to her. Did he get too drunk?
And how on earth was he next to Jisoo? From what he knows is that she's already married and has kids!

She yawns and smiles at him, "morning you, too"

"J-j-ji" his speech slurs again.
His mouth gapes open as he looks around. The place seemed so familiar to him. He couldn't really believe his eyes.. all he could think was maybe it's a dream.. a nightmare or anything!

How, otherwise, can he be lying naked with Jisoo all of a sudden!?

She chuckles, "hangover? The party was crazy wasn't it?"

He frowns, "party? What are you...." he tsks, "l-look whatever ha-happened between you and me.. must stay between us, alright?? Y-" he stops the moment the thought of you strikes him.

"Holy! I fvcking need to go right now, okay? Just don-don't you-"

Jungkook looks around, trying to catch hold on his clothes which were scattered on the floor besides him.
He quickly wears them and storms outside the room.


"I-I we fought and then I was in my c-car and then I-" he keeps talking to himself as he walks past the busy lane crowded with people around.
It was weird, kind of uncanny how this place was giving him strong nostalgia of days when he was in his last year of uni..

"Fvck. My S.U.V" He turns around, "where the fvck is it!?"
Jungkook looks around and all he sees is people walking past him, some of them busy buying things from this vendor while others merely gossiping.
He could tell it was a local market but wasn't really sure where exactly he was in Seoul.. because from the past 6 years he hasn't really visited this place.

"Aish.. what the fvck did I cracked last night man!" He cusses again, fumbling inside his pocket in order to look for his phone only to come out in vain..

"Where the heck is my phone now.." he tenses up, not clearly buying the situation.

"H-hey!" He shouts and walks towards this boy, probably in his teens, busy on his phone, "can.. can I use your phone for a minute please?"

The boy nods his head and offers his phone to him..
"Thanks son" jungkook murmurs making the young lad scoff at him.
Jungkook dials your number and snorts as it says how your number doesn't exist.

"Fvcking hell" he mumbles, "what's going on" he dials again only to hear the same recorder again.

"Yaah.. do you know what place is this?" Jungkook asks the boy as he hands him over his phone back..

"Gyedan Gil.." the boy says, getting annoyed now. He pushes past jungkook and walks away leaving a very astonished Jungkook behind.

"Gyedan.... Aish.. these pranksters" he scoffs, not wanting to believe how he was in Busan at the moment.
It wasn't technically possible!
He lives in Seoul now. He left Busan about 6 years ago after completing college and marrying you right after!

Jungkook sighs and rubs his temples, a little anxious about the whole situation.
This was clearly weird though.
First he woke up next to Jisoo, he had last seen her during graduation and that's it how is it even possible for him to meet her.
Scratch that have sex with her!
From what he can recall is that he only got intimate with her once and that was during this weekend party one of his friend's threw!
And on top of that this lad just told him he's in Busan..

"Clearly a dream.." he murmurs to himself as he keeps walking.

It must have been around an half an hour or so and Jungkook was still seating on this bench where he was still trying to make sense of the whole situation.

"Nothing fits!" He yells frustrated, not caring how he had caught attention of some of the passerby's..

He buries his face in his hands and sighs heavily.

"J-jungkook.. is that you?"

He looks up as soon as he hears a familiar voice calling out for him.

"Y/n!" He yelps, sweat perfoliating from his face until he notices your physique making you frown at him.

"Hi?" You say, getting confused at the way he was glancing at you..

"Did you- did you already deliver the baby or something?" He stands up, getting jittery at how things were turning up

"Excuse me?" You state, getting offended

"Y/n! It's it's you right.. you're y/n I'm jungkook right?"

You nod, "yeah?"

He grimaces, "what the heck is going on? Why do you look so young I-"

You scoff, "you're crazy!" You raise your satchel over your shoulders as you head your way forward.

He keeps staring at you for a while before it hits him.

"Wait." He mumbles, "this can't be..."


Haha bear with me if it's boring


~author kookieskitty xx 🌹😘😘🐾

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