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Everyone went back to sleep after 3am but right here me, I don't

I have the urge to get out to the forest looking at the night nature, I've been blessed with night vision so yes it's beautiful

I walk to deep inside until I reach one big space right at the center of the forest I've walk to

It was empty, the dandelions are dancing through the night wind with the moon shine above. Oh and there's a log!

I sit on the log and look above
"So is he my soulmate?" I ask myself

I replay them in my mind. It was hot to say. His firm and holding my dear life as he suck all of the useless substance to him, he sure does making it feel better than humans


"Who's there?"

I turn my head to the crack sound of stick

I look back to the right and there's Namjoon

It took me surprised, I almost screamed

"That's inapopriate to surprised me"
"Well that WAS inapropriate to talk back at thirsty vampires"

I scoff at him

"You should study more on creatures of night" He quirked his eyebrow
"Well Mr. Kim Namjoon, you don't even teach me about that" I rolled my eyes
"Baby, creatures of night are'nt the same you see every morning okay"
"Pfft you look just the same fatblood" I snickered

But he was very quick putting his arm around my waist and pull me to him which cause me to straddle him

"Whoa what the heck vamps, chill you meet me 2 weeks ago don't suck me again I'm dying here" I said
"Hey you're not dying, this is the reason you can't sleep"
"Ohh bcuz I'm 18?"

He rolled his eyes still holding my waist firmly. I gave up on my pride and my soul, I let my body drape down to Namjoon. I play with his blonde hair which is softer than my black and red hair

"Your hair is so soft Joon, what did you use, Downy?"
"Y/n if I use downy, it ain't gonna be like this" He pfted

Both of us chuckled

"I'm still thinking"
"Did you exchange my blood with yours or you just give me some venom that cause me to die tomorrow?"
"What the heck, Do you think I'm an animal?"
"Human can be classified in mammals"
"Dumb ass I'm a vampire"
"Okay fine Mr IQ148"
"So you're the one who's animal here!" He laughed
"No shit sherlock, you're slowly killing me like this"

He finally realise, he grip my waist too tight that our pelvis will join if he put it more force

I sit myself back down next to him

"*sigh* Have you wonder what will happen if you meet your soulmate?"

Why are you so fuccin dense?!

Gee there's another voice inside

He did'nt answer me but just facepalmed himself
He look at me with disbelief but I reply with innocent waiting look
"Well, I will hold her tightly under the moonlight of course"
"Did you meet her already?"
"Psh lucky" I pout silently

Unknowingly, it's already dusk. The sun start to rise so I ran up to the cliff grabbing Namjoon

The scenery is so beautiful, I've been waiting this for years. The forest even adding the details more beautiful

"Wow Joon this is- umm okay?"

He's gone suddenly?

I enjoy my 'self time' for awhile before going down from the hill and got back to the cottage

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