Chapter 26

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When the team of Elsa, Olivia, and Yves arrived on the scene, they were amazed at what they saw.

Ivy had become the nucleus of Baba Yaga's core. Unlike the others, she had no orb; instead she floated in place, acting as the puppet master to Baba's Yaga's actions outside of the void. Her white hair stood at attention, her entire body was covered in dark veins.

Because all magic led back to her, she saw the group arrive before they had even gotten close.  She looked at them with soulless eyes with no pupils, only green light.

"So..." said the raspy, unearthly voice that came from Ivy's. "You've come to try to stop me? You are too late..."

"What happened to Ivy's voice?" asked Elsa. "She sounds different."

"That's no longer Ivy," said Olivia. "Ivy died the second she set foot inside the void. Now she's nothing more than a shell to be used by Baba Yaga."

Elsa took a closer look at Ivy (or what was left of her); indeed, it was not veins that enveloped her entire body but the symbol of Baba Yaga:

Elsa took a closer look at Ivy (or what was left of her); indeed, it was not veins that enveloped her entire body but the symbol of Baba Yaga:

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"This is it. Remember what we planned..." said Elsa. Olivia nodded.

"You shall all perish," said Baba Yaga. "Just like this fool Ivy."

Baba Yaga outstretched her hands and directed a wave of green lightning at Elsa, Olivia, and Yves, causing them to disperse.

While holding on tightly to Yves--and protected under his fire orb--Olivia began to lob fireballs in Baba Yaga's direction.

Enraged, Baba Yaga countered with her green lightning. "Fools....I am older than time itself! You mere mortals cannot defeat me..."

A lightning bolt hit true to its target, and Olivia and Yves were separated. Yves seemed a bit put out and started to cry, but was otherwise unharmed by the attack. Olivia, on the other hand, was left floating in the void without her protective shield.

"Say goodbye," said Baba Yaga, pointing a finger at Olivia and preparing to deliver the final blow. However, instead of trembling in terror Olivia responded by...smirking.

It was a trap. A diversion. Baba Yaga turned around just in time to see Elsa's orb flying straight toward her. Baba Yaga sent lightning toward Elsa's orb and she took the full brunt of the attack.

Then, the unexpected happened: the orb turned to ice, and it transferred to the green lightning, freezing until it reached Baba Yaga and froze her hands together.

Then the orb exploded and Elsa sprinted down the frozen electric path until she reached Baba Yaga, and placed her hands on both sides of her head.

"What are you doing?!" demanded Baba Yaga.

"For someone so old you must hold a lot of secrets," said Elsa. "And I'm going to uncover the one that will put a stop to your reign of terror once and for all!"

"Let me go! No....NOOOO!" as Baba Yaga screamed, cracks began to appear on her body, and bright white beams of light escaped. Still Elsa held on, though it was clear the longer she attempted to seal the evil, the more it was affecting her physically. For a brief second, the symbol of snakes flashed red along Elsa's body, but she was determined to persevere, determined to use Baba Yaga's strength against her.

Baba Yaga--her face now resembling an egg with a million cracks--took one final long look at Elsa, her face eerily calm.

" cannot eliminate evil. Once I am gone, there will be another to take my place. Remember that when you find yourself in this battle again."

Baba Yaga let out one final cry and exploded in a burst of bright light.

Elsa Out of Her Element ✔ [COMPLETED] | A Frozen 3 Disney LGBTQ Fanfiction (GXG)Where stories live. Discover now