The Phone call

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Next morning, Daniel woke up to see Ginny snuggling onto his feet.
He pulled Ginny in his arms, "You are so cute. What is it??"
Daniel smiled when he saw Ginnyvtrying to hide his face. "Oh this Ginny blushes too" and chuckled.

Just then Billy came running in hopped on the bed and tried to get in the covers, "Hi Billy. What are you doing?? You know you both remind me so much of Binka and Nugget." Billy looked at him, "Oh yes. My pets" and Billy again tried to get into the covers.

Daniel looked at them for a minute and realised, "Oh you are playing Hide and seek" said Dan in a hushed voice to which Billy responded by giving a yelp.

"Billy??" Bonnie called who had to seek Billy and Ginny, "Ginny??"

She went inside Dan's room, seeing the door wasn't locked.
"Dan?? Is Billy here??" Asked Bonnie looking around the room but could not see him.

"Now where is he??" She asked to herself. She saw the bed all distorted so she lifted up the cover in hope of finding Billy under it, but no use.

She organised Daniel's bed and turned around to leave when, Daniel scared her, "Bhow!!!"

Bonnie gave a loud scream, while she stumbled and sat on the bed, "Dan!!"
and Daniel started laughing. He sat beside her, while Bonnie frowning.
She took the pillow and bumped it on his head, "idiot".

"I am an idiot?"
"Yes" responded Bonnie firmly.
Daniel started tickling her, "Dan.... no.... stop" she said inbetween her laugh.
"First say sorry"
"No! you are an idiot"
She hoped on the bed and brought a pillow in front of her, "Stop Dan please"

"No say sorry"

Bonnie tried to get down of the bed, but Dan caught her and pulled her to him. He started tickling her everywhere, while she laughed uncontrollably in his arms. Her head lying against his chest, while hands trying to stop him.

"Okay...okay...okay...I am sorry... I am sorry" she said when her stomach started hurting due to laughter.

Dan stopped tickling her and rested his head against her's sighing. His arms around her, "What a great way to start a day" he said and Bonnie closed her eyes smiling.

They were as such when Billy gave another yelp. They released each other. It felt so right this time that neither of them felt awkward about it.

"Come down for Breakfast" Bonnie said to which Dan nodded.  Bonnie left for downstairs with Billy and Ginny, closing the door behind her.

Dan looked here and there, scratching his head he sighed at her absence. He got out of the bed when his phone rang.

He picked it up to see it was from Erin. He recieved the call and she almost shouted, "Where are you??"

"Good morning" Dan said in reply.
"Daniel, why didn't you call me??"
"Uh.. I was...quiet busy"

"Busy with what??" Demanded Erin

"With work. You know I am at Bonnie's place for work" said Daniel calmly, "And I was building the Jurassic world in free time, so I didn't get to call you... you see"

"Okay... Forget it" she dropped it suddenly.

"How are you??" She asked, "Are you safe??"

"I am at Bonnie's place, why won't I be safe. She doesn't even let be step out. Makes me wash hands every hour. You don't worry. I am absolutely fine" He said casually.

"Seems like she is taking  a good care of you" said Erin.

"Oh a great one" said Daniel.

"Do you miss me??" Asked Erin sheepishly.

And at this question, Daniel went silent. He actually didn't miss her these past few days. He was so much into Bonnie that.... can't escape the fact...... he forgot about Erin.

All those years,  when he missed her nearly like every hour, now it seems like..... he just..... she is just a casual friend.

"Dan?? Hello?? Are you there??" These words from Erin pulled him out of the zone.

"Yeah I did" he said softly. He lied. Yes, he simply lied. He could have very well said he was busy with the upcoming project, but no he just lied.

"I miss you too" said Erin.

"Okay... I'll talk to you later" said Daniel.

"Why in a hurry?? It's been so many days we didn't talk" said Erin in a babyish voice.

"Yeah... actually I just got up from sleep and I am hungry"

"So Late?!" Asked Erin.

"Working" Dan replied at once. He again lied. He could have very well said he was watching his show with Bonnie, but he simply lied.

"Don't stress yourself too much, you workaholic" said Erin and chuckled.

Dan breathed out a laugh.

"Okay Bye. Call me later"

"Yeah. I will...  bye" Dan said and cut the call.

Dan sat on the bed, rubbing his temporal. He scratched his chin and fell back on the bed. He remembered everything that happened these few days back. How he just got mixed in this environment, as if this was his world. A smile appeared on his face.

Then his thoughts went to Erin and his smile faded. The words he himself said "we try not be apart from each other for more than a week" Obviously it wasn't a week, but, he didn't even miss her these past few days. He, to be honest, simply forgot her.

"Dan??" Called Bonnie from downstairs.
"Coming" he replied and he went into the washroom with lot of thoughts, being played football in his mind. Some kick his thoughts towards Wright, while some kick it towards Darke.

After about half an hour, he went downstairs. "What happened. What took you so long??" Asked Bonnie, who already got a glimpse that something happened.

"Nothing" answered Dan simply while eating the food served by her.

"Okay..." Bonnie didn't push the matter.

"Umm Dan??"
"Ginny got adopted"
"Oh. So she'll leave us"
"Not now... there are still few days left with her" Bonnie said while rubbing Ginny's head.

Bonnie left when she realised that Dan wasn't in the mood to talk,
"Something definitely happened " she thought to herself.

She took a glance at Dan, who's face was buried in the food, and went up to the study room to resume her script writing.

In the evening Dan was busy making his Jurassic set, when Bonnie knocked.
"Can I come in??"
"No" said Dan at once.
"Uh... okay" said Bonnie and turn around to leave when Dan opened the door and caught her hand, "Why are you leaving??"

"You said I can't come in"

"Oh Bonnie it was a joke"  said Dan giving  a slight laugh.

"But it didn't sound like" said Bonnie looking at him.

Dan held her arms, taking a step towards her, "you don't need to ask permission. You are always welcome" said Dan directly looking into her eyes.

"Come" he took her into his room. Both of them started building the Jurassic set and things were quiet normal.

Bonnie noticed that Dan did look better than what he was in morning, though his face did show a line of tension. As if he was fighting with something.

So this is for this chapter. Hope you all like it.

Don't forget to hit the star button, and please do follow.

Until then...Bye

Thank you

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