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Elena Gilbert, seemingly not a typical teenager whose life is not ordinary to anyone else; who's always get in trouble; a girl that tries to pick up all the pain secretly that given by her family's' big expectations, people who have ignorant phases then waiting for her mistakes and do mean things on her but, she didn't take it seriously as her being a carefree and happy go lucky attitude that covers her real feelings.

She escapes life through daydreaming. A twenty years old girl that trying to find a life away from her father's shadow.


High hopes - kodaline

"It's crazy to believe in silly things, but it's not that easy!"

I sang my lungs out on that phrase. Yeah, it's true for being a believer in a life that impossible to be normal.

I'm a no good instead, messing everyone here in our house. Always started trouble and arguing with my older brother who's so dedicated to be the next CEO of Dad's company.

"Elena! Elena!"

I rolled my eyes as I unplugged my ear buds that attached in my ears. I walked across my room to open my door.

"Elena!" He kept on banging at my door.

I open the door lazily as my big brother welcome me with his red annoyed face that if I didn't open the door that moment he will choke me to death. I've just give him a sarcastic smirk as I crossed my arms and lean at the door frame of my room.

"Stop screaming! I'm doing my reports and you are so distracting me." He blurted out and so pissed.

I sighed. "I'm not screaming; I'm singing." I arrogantly tossed my head to the side.

My eldest brother named Chris Andrew in short I call him Chris or to piss him off dadsky, because he is Dads' protégé. He's twenty five and yet still single but not ready to mingle because of his hectic schedule.

I, the second child next to him. Well, the most horrible sister he had. He said that. I'm still studying in a university here. Having some drop subjects and always been called for detention but whatever they try to say to study hard if I don't like my degree, I will never put my mind on it. Management is not my forte that's why I suck in school. But my parents always meddle in all my actions and activities that's one of the reasons I'm rebelling. I wish I didn't live in this house.

Anyways, Chris face turns very furious and he looked like definitely Dad.

I gasped. "Oh my you're growing horns." Pointing on his forehead as he did touch his head then. I laughed and slam the door in front of him.

"Elena!" He growled, scowling behind the door.

"Go away now before anything happens to me!" I chuckled to the fact that his going to fight with me.

I lean my ears on the door, trying to figure out if his still there as I hear a little sweet voice.

"Chris? What's going on in here?" She asked curiously.

Chris groans in desperation and stomp his way to his room, ignoring the question that asked at him. I laughed evilly on his reaction. He's a total touchy, thin-skin man.

I slowly open the door and saw my little sister, Kassandra. Our youngest that's still naive of all the things and problem of this family. She's only 10 years old and a sweet kind of baby girl for me. We have a big age gap.

"Hey, what's up cutie?" I sweetly greeted her.

She looked up to me, furrowing her face.

"What have you done to Chris, Lena ? He looked very angry." She said.

"Er.... Leave him alone. His just putting his stress on me." I smirk evilly.

"I know you. You pissed him off again."

I rolled my eyes. "Okay, fine. He came into my door, banging it and tells me to stop screaming but I'm not screaming, I'm singing." I explained. "Am I too loud?" I whined at Kassandra.

"No." She straightly replied.

I smile, she understands me, always.

"Okay, so better go now. Go back to your room and play." I said as I pushed her away out off my door.

"Arghh... You don't have to push me! You're so mean." She exclaimed.

I closed the door behind as I lean on it. "I'm sorry sweetie. I just want to be alone for now... I'll go to your room later!" I said in a sweet tone.

I heard she hums happily as she walked her way to her room.

I shrugged as I walked towards my bed and slam my whole body on it, staring at the ceiling and let out a deep breath. I need a fresh air today. I want to get out of this house to escape a little while. I'm bored here. But Dad grounded me when he caught me sneaking out last night. He started to tighten the security in this house and it's impossible for me to sneak out again. I'm totally trapped here.

It's difficult and complicated to live under the shadows of your parents' luxurious life. This life that I want to leave behind even though others wishes it. To tell them it sucks, I can have all the material things if I asked it but I'm not satisfied yet I need something that money can't buy. I need love of my family, appreciation and freedom but in my case it's really hopeless. I thinks its already broke and it's hard to mend.

I looked over to my window and how I wish and dream that I could have a simple life that I can do anything I want without permission to my parents. A life where I can choose who to love and to care of. Even if I don't have anything, still I'm happy because I'm free. That's my dream and longing to have it.


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