"Soooo," A low drawn-out voice calls from the hallway. I cut my eyes at Talon, my best friend when he enters the kitchen. He rests his head on his hand in a very child-like manner. "Are you coming with me tonight?"

Talon Grace ladies and gentlemen. The only person I've ever met who parties more than he eats. He has this group of friends, a group I've never met before and quite frankly have no interest in meeting. The only stories I've ever heard about them involve alcohol, drugs, and other unimaginable things I would never take part in.

"Probably not," I say kindly. Reaching over the table, I stroke the top of his hand with my thumb. "I've got studying to do. Besides, I don't know them. It would be no fun."

"But they know you! They wanna meet you, Dais. I promise you they won't get in the way of your schoolwork. It's one night."

Yeah, okay. I roll my eyes and take a sip of coffee that has been cooling off beside me. "No," I snap sternly. Talon groans and knocks his knuckles on the countertop. He straightens up and turns on his heels.

"Fuck you then," He flips me off with a smile. God, I love him. He struts off towards his bedroom and I wait to hear the door close and the lock click.

"Bastard," Closing my textbook and laptop, I gather my things and move to the living room where I can get comfortable on the couch. Gilmore girls still playing on the TV from this morning catches my attention and drags me away from my study. Music begins playing in Talon's room, a song I don't recognize.

I love Talon and I always will. I met him when I was six. I was getting made fun of on the playground at school by these brats. I was crying my eyes out like the baby I am and Talon noticed. He wrapped me in a hug and proceeded to use some not nice words towards the girls. For a first-grader, I was in absolute shock he would use those words. The other girls were too because they ran off to find the nearest teacher. It didn't take long for the two off us to become attached. We've been friends to this day.

As we grew, we started to become two different people. Talon was always out with his big group of friends while I stayed home studying because my grades are important for my field of study. Around my sophomore year of high school was when I met my other best friend, Mary (who goes by Mocha). We had the same mindset and it was easy to talk to her. It's still easy to talk to her. Moving from San Fransisco to New York was by far the hardest thing to do. Leaving my family and Mocha behind drained me. Luckily I got to bring Talon with me.

Except we're not the same anymore. I see what he does every night and what he considers "fun." The pictures and videos of the parties he attends. People piss drunk and throwing up on front lawns, others doing drugs I was sure their pupils were going to expand out of their irises. I hate parties and I hate the content Talon comes home with to show me. He flaunts it as if I'll be jealous. Why not tell him to keep it to himself? One reason... August.

Despite August being four years older than me, I had fallen in love with the boy the first time I laid eyes on him. Talon has talked about August before and enjoys complaining about how he likes being in charge of basically everything. A dominant figure, there's nothing wrong with that. But nothing will ever happen between us because he's into partying and being with multiple girls at once, and I'm a hopeless romantic who has only taken sips of wine at Christmas dinner. The amount of times Talon has come home drunk with one night stands makes me feel proud of being sober.

I'm knocked from my thoughts as Talon enters the living room. He's wearing a black button-up shirt opened at the chest and a pair of black jeans. His blonde hair is a mess resting over his forehead. His honey toned skin always looked so beautiful with his hair.

"How do I look, Daisy?" He smiles his adorable boxed smile and twirls around.

"Hot as usual. Why do you even bother asking?" I laugh. He shrugs and pulls on a pair of white shoes.

"You ask me how you look every morning before you leave even though you always look beautiful," He winks and I can't help but blush. It's only a friendly gesture, but the teenage girl in me can't help but gush at compliments.

Shuffling to the front door, I plant a light kiss on Talon's cheek straining my toes in the process. I ruffle his hair a bit more, the soft strands giving me goosebumps. "Be careful please." It must get annoying hearing me say it all the time but the last thing I need is this boy ending up in the hospital with alcohol poisoning again.

"I promise I will be," He hugs me, his forehead on mine, his hand stroking the nape of my neck. "I'll be back around twelve-thirty."

Before I can answer, he grabs his keys and leaves. A long sigh I didn't know I was holding leaves my mouth. I run my fingers through my hair and cringe at the grease that has built up within the last two days. I was going to wash my hair tomorrow morning, but I can't go to bed knowing my hair feels like this.

I turn on the hot water and let it run for several minutes. I strip out of my clothes, my t-shirt and jeans hitting the floor, my bra and underwear following afterwards. I kick them away and step into the tub wincing at the water beating against my back. I quickly wash my hair making sure the shampoo and conditioner are out. Something is tugging at my brain, making my thoughts fuzzy.

I wonder if Talon made it there okay... I wonder if August is there. My breath hitches in my throat at the thought of him. His tanned skin, soft-looking eyes. I can never tell the colour of them, but to me, they look a greenish-grey. He isn't very tall, maybe a few inches taller than me, and he has messy brown hair that somehow doesn't look bad on him.

I shake from my daze and feel a strange throbbing feeling in my lower region. My hand trails down my wet body and rests on where the feeling is coming from. I don't know what to do. Talon had told me once it's okay for girls to touch to themselves and helps release whatever is building up inside of them. I think it's weird. Is it? I know boys do it. The amount of times I've walked in on Talon jacking off has left my jaw on the floor. Not because it was big or anything, it was just strange to see.

My forehead rests against the tile wall, a chill running down my spine from the cold surface. "Fuck." I shut the water off and wrap a towel around myself. I catch a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror and shake my head.

The front door opens and the sound of footsteps fill the hallway. A girl giggles and Talon shushes her accompanied by his bedroom door slamming behind them. Some part of me wants to tell her to get out of my apartment, but I'm not one to speak up. Someone knocks on my door and the knob starts jiggling. Talon is in his room, I can hear him, so who else did he bring home?

"Yes?" I raise my voice just enough.

"Shit, I'm guessing this isn't the bathroom?" A deeper voice speaks back. The hairs on my arms stand up.

"No, it's at the end of the hall, first door on your left."

No answer. Through the walls, I can hear the same girl giggling and Talon saying something getting her excited. That's my cue. Popping in my headphones, I shuffle my playlist and close my eyes. I have another full day of work tomorrow. I can't afford to stay up and be tired.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2020 ⏰

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