The problem

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Third Person: Hazel, Cody, Zack, London and Maddie went down stairs to see what the noise was " woah" Zack said " what is this?" Maddie ask " alright I know this is crazy but I try to event things and get what this is?" Arwin ask " yeah I have no idea" Hazel said ( laughters) " okay this is crazy but I made the world shrinking ray" Arwin said " I'm sorry I think we heard you wrong" Zack said ( laughters) " no really watch" Arwin said " when he almost press the button Moseby walk up to them" what is that?" Moseby ask" ahhh!" Arwin yell exently hit the button " duck!" Hazel said all of them did expect London " where?" London ask ( laughters) but before anyone move her away she got hit " what was that thing just hit me?" London ask they all look at her " oh no" Arwin said ( them song) ( back again) " I could of died!" London said " Arwin what is going on!" Moseby ask ( laughters) " I created my first mishien" Arwin said scratching his back " and what does this do?" Moseby ask " shrink things" Arwin said not looking at him " oh let test it" Moseby said " great who are you testing it?" Zack ask " you two" Moseby said ( laughters) " wait what?" Cody ask " you may be mistaken they are nice boys" Hazel said " okay you can stop rubbing my hair" Zack said ( laughters) " sorry" Hazel said " out of charge?" Moseby ask " yeah it can only do one thing at a time" Arwin said " well tell me if it work" Moseby said then walk off " ah guys where's London?" Maddie ask

London Pov: wait what happened? I look around they were talking but there big! Oh no " guys guys!" I yell they probably didn't hear me " ah guys where's London?" Maddie ask her voice are so loud they look around " wait she probably" Arwin said pointing down I will kill him later " I don't see her" Zack said yeah no kidding I wave my hand and jump up and down " guys guys!!!!!!!" I yell I think I'm going to lose my voice soon " wait did you hear that?" Maddie ask yes thank the gods! " yeah it sounded like a voice" Cody said " be careful she's here" Hazel said they look down come on fine me please! " wait what's that spot?" Zack ask I look at him " that spot might be..." Hazel said getting her phone oh great! My phone rang I answer it " are you down there?" Hazel ask " yes I'm down here just use a camera and put it on speaker" I said I look up she did just that " and who are you calling this time?" Maddie ask ( laughters) " I can hear you!" I said " woah was that London?" Cody ask " yeah she has her phone and thankfully it shrunk with her and I put it on speaker" Hazel said " guys I'm down here and if you see me talk quiter" I said " but how? your to small to see" Maddie said oh great " camera use your camera!" I yell ( laughters) I saw them looking at each other Maddie got her phone out " I see her!" Maddie said I know I'm smart " where?" Arwin ask she pointed where I am they look down " wow that's cool" Zack said yeah not really " not really" I said " we need to get her out of here" Hazel said " yeah but I don't want to carry her" Zack said ( laughters) " me ether" Cody said " come on guys just pick or I will pick for you!" I said " Maddie you do it" Hazel said " me?" Maddie ask " yeah you know her better you do it" Hazel said " just do it!" I yell she look down her hand is coming my way " don't touch my clothes" I said " I kinda have to" Maddie said she pick me up " wow now that's cool" Zack said " if you want to see cool I will show it to you when I'm big again" I said with a smirk ( laughters) 

Third Person: they walk to the elevator " are you coming?" Hazel ask Arwin " no it's fine I'm just going to stay here to figure out to fix this" Arwin said " okay" Hazel said then there door close ( inside the elevator) " when this will be done" Zack said then he bang his head on the wall " how about this you keep doing that until you hurt yourself?" Cody ask sarcastically ( laughters) " I got a better idea I can just hurt you" Zack said " guys stop fighting where almost there" Hazel said they both sigh an turn around the door open " finally that was long!" Zack said ( laughters) " it's been 5 minutes" Cody said then they walk " so where's your room?" Maddie ask " I thought you already know?" Hazel ask " I forgot" Maddie said " follow me" Hazel said they did just that " room 23?" Maddie ask reading the room number " yep" Zack said they went in " few mom isn't here" Hazel said " what do you mean few?" Carry ask they look at her shock " mom" Zack said ( laughters) Maddie hide London " I see you may a friend" Carry said " you see I'm..." Maddie started to say but look at them " I'm not really...?" Maddie started to say she can't get any words out " yes no?" Carry ask " yes?" Maddie said ( laughters) " anyways I'm going to my job now be good guys and I left some food for you and please don't hurt your brothers feelings again" Carry said " how do you know about that?" Hazel ask " remember I have eyes every where" Carry said they all look at each other ( laughters) " I will be back at 9" Carry said then closed the door " few that was close" Cody said " can I sit on a table this clothing it's not comfortable to stand on" London said they roll there eyes and sat her down " okay so what now?" Hazel ask " no idea oh but I'm hungry" Maddie said " yeah me to" Cody said " I really don't mind what we do" Zack said ( laughters) " alright I can cook yeah" Hazel said clapping " hold on your mom said she left some food for you" Maddie said " oh few then I don't have to cook" Hazel said " well I guess I will get the plates" Maddie said standing up " where are they?" Maddie ask ( laughters) " I will show you" Hazel said standing up

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