one day your brother jaden thought it was a good idea for you to meet his friends chase,josh,Anthony,ect and you fell in love with three of them keep reading and find out
who the boys were
So i'm talking with my friends when my sister veronica calls (A=Anthony j=josh c=chase g=griffin b=bryce n=noen p=payton ja=jaden v=veronica tb=the boys)
A:who is it jaden
Ja:my sister hold on
Tb:can we meet her sometime
Ja:sure i'll ask her
Veronica pov I'm bored and so i decide to call jaden
Ja:hello veronica
V:hey when are you coming home i'm bored as hell here
Ja:i'll be home in 10 oh and also i was wondering if my friends could meet you
Than i hear jaden whisper when to i guess his friends
Tb:right now maybe
Ja:right now maybe
V:ummm.... Sure why not
Ja:okay bye see you in 10
V:bye jayjay
Oh no i just said yes to meeting my brother's friends what if they don't like me what if.... Veronica your overracting
So i get ready this is what i wear
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I do my make and this is what looks like
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To much but i like it Than i hear a knock i go open it and it's jaden with his friends all his friends eye's widened
All the boys but not Anthony:holy
V:thank you
Ja:stop checking out my little sister
Tb:but look at her
V:hahaha i'm prettier than you jaden
A:pretty your beautiful
V:thank you come in please
V:so how do you know my brother again
Tb: this tiktok thing you might not kno-
V:oh i know i see your e-boy tiktok chase Anthony and josh i see your f-boy tiktok and griff and bryce i see your funny tiktok and kio i love your povs tiktok
Tb:oh okay
V:well jaden i have news
Ja:yea what is it
V:i just got a call for me to be in riverdale
V:yea i'm playing veronica lodge
Tb:wow beautiful and an acter
V:Well jaden i going to go film a youtube video where i read this wattpad story's about you guys bye