Chapter 2: Falling In Hard Is Harder Than It Looks

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"Good afternoon, Princess!" Discord greeted the Princess in a very cheerful tone. He startled Twilight awake from her slumber. In a scare Twilight screams, falling out of her bed. "Discord!" Twilight scolded. "How did you- wait... what time is it?" she asks her tone, laced with worry.

"It's 2:30 in the afternoon, why?" Discord questioned Twilight, who was pacing back and forth in her bedroom.

"I have a class I have to teach today! I can't believe I overslept!" Twilight said.

"Oh, I actually took care of that for you, Twilight. Starlight said that she came into your room and tried to wake you, but you didn't arise. She even got your most trusted Royal Guard Tempest Shadow to come in and check on you." Discord explains.

"Wait, you were Headmaster for the day?" Twilight questioned.

"Yeah, but I do not see how you get it all done. Honestly, it's so tiring." Discord complained, slumping down on the edge of Twilight's bed.

She let out a small giggle. "Well, thank you for taking care of it." Said Twilight.

The sound of pure silent sound fills the bedroom for a mere few seconds. "I just thought you could use the day off, honestly." Discord admitted.

"Well thanks." Twilight said, rubbing her hoof. Just tell Discord, how you truly feel about him. Twilight thought to herself. I mean she just admitted to herself last night that she had actual feelings for him even to the Princess Of The Night!

Twilight sighed. "Discord... there's something I have to tell you." Twilight said. Twilight got interrupted by Tempest Shadow.

"Your highness, there is an attack in Canterlot." Tempest explains. An unsettling face set on the Princess's face. "Um... Tempest.. I am kind of in the middle of something. Can't you ask Celestia to handle this?" Twilight asked.

"Your Highness, you know yourself that Celestia throws you through the ringer practically when danger comes to Equestria." Tempest said, in practically a deadpan tone. She had a point. Twilight was always the one Celestia depended on during a crisis.

Twilight sighed, rising from the bed. She turned and looked towards Discord. "Do you think we could talk about this later?" Twilight looked at Discord with gentle and understanding in her eyes. "Sure," Discord said, his eyes downcasted. Twilight gave a small smile and left.

Tempest looked over at Discord, who was still sitting on Twilight's bed. "Hey, are you okay?" She looked at Discord, concern edged onto her face. " Sort of. I mean if you ask me Twilight is very confusing."

"What do you mean?" Tempest asks. "I mean it's like one minute she does have feelings for me and then the next day she doesn't." Tempest bit the inside of her cheek. I know exactly what you mean. She thinks to herself. "When it comes to repressing emotions for somepony you like it becomes conflicting and confusing, it can also mess with your head and play with your emotions."

"I think I have taken note of that." Discord mumbled. "But if you would like a real answer out of Twilight, maybe you could do something romantic for her." Tempest suggested. "But I thought giving her the day off was considered romantic?" Discord complains. "If you ask me it was a nice gesture, just not romantic enough. You need to think bigger!" Explains Tempest.

An idea pops into Discord's head. "Say, When did you become a romantic Tempest? I never knew it to be in your nature."

Tempest gags a bit. "Don't remind me! But I'm not!"

"So what changed your attitude towards it?" Discord questions.

"Let's just say a group of happy, pastel ponies have changed my attitude towards it."

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