The New Girl

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It's my first day at high school and I didn't know anyone there.  All my friends went to other schools.  As I was about to climb on the bus, I saw another student sitting all alone.  I walked up to her and decided to start a conversation.  I told her the story of my life (that my parents travel for a living, that they were gone for the moment and therefore I was living with my grandparents for a while).  After all that she told me a bit of herself.  Her name was Zoë and she had a crush on this boy named Jamie.  We became best friends. 

We went to admin to receive our grids for class.  Our first class was the same, science.  We rushed to the class immediately and found out that Jamie was also in that class.  There were only four students that took science in our grade.  The fourth student was Mateo, a long, intelligent guy with golden-blonde hair and eyes as blue as the ocean.  At that very moment, I realized that he was the one for me, he was my crush. 

The semester went by, every day better than the day before.  He started to notice me, staring at me during class.  I knew that I had to invite him over that holiday. I waited for the right moment to invite him. 

As soon as the holidays came I invited him, Zoë and Jamie to my parents' submarine.  All three of them ended up coming.  We travelled from Naples to Malta.  When we came to Malta, we called every single number in a two-mile-radius and played a high-pitched note that should make them paralyzed for at least a day.  Therefore we had enough time to do whatever we wanted. 

We went to the hair salon to dye our hair black.  We stole new phones and made pizzas.  It was amazing!  We stole money from people's wallets.  We were criminal masterminds.  There weren't any cameras to see us and no one was awake to see who we were.  We got everything we wanted.  

We were about to leave when someone had suddenly woken up.  We didn't understand.  We didn't know what went wrong when suddenly it came to mind... The note that we played wasn't high enough.  Everyone would wake up soon.  All we could do is to shove everything in our bags and run back to the submarine. We did so and as we got in the everyone started to wonder where everything went. 

Later that night we saw the news.  Luckily they didn't know who it was.  After all this chaos we went back to our lives and didn't bother anyone or anything any longer (but just for a while).

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