Fun facts about Jayden

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1) Jaydens birth mother was severely bipolar and couldn't take care of him. So one day when he was two his mother dropped him off and never came back. He lived in an orphanage for two years developing his abandonment issues.

2) manic: A manic episode is an emotional state characterized by a period of at least one week where an elevated, expansive, or unusually irritable mood exists. ... People describe a manic mood as feeling very euphoric, "on top of the world," and being able to do or accomplish anything.

Jayden has bipolar attributes. He is manic practically all the time until something triggers him making him really upset and sad. Luckily he usually snaps out of it going back to his overly happy self.

3) he is allergic to peanuts

4) he was adopted when he was five.

5) he had tried contacting his birth mother, but she never answered.

6) Jayden isnt the smartest. He doesn't think things through all the way.

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