Spaces *Chapter Two*

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Present Day, February 23, 2015


Pulling into my driveway humming the tune to Meghan Trainer’s All About That Bass, I parked the car in front of the house.  The house is very nice, but not a mansion like my old house. The house has to be in a gated neighborhood because you never really know what could happen in Los Angeles to a former pop star.  I realized something; I had just been sitting in my car for the past twenty minutes thinking about useless things that should be left in the past. Chuckling, I turned my car off and locked the doors.

I made my way into the house, kicking off my converse and dropping my backpack on the little bench table thing. Mom always got mad about me putting it there, but it’s not like I was going to walk all the way up the stairs, put my backpack in my room and then walk back downstairs for food. My relationship with food has… improved to say. It wasn’t about counting calories and inches anymore. Sometimes I get into the bad habits again but I know that it’s not worth it in the end anymore.

“I’m home!” I shouted waiting for a response. Charlie, an adorable golden lab, who was usually at this point attacking my legs waiting for me to pet him, wasn’t there. “Mom? Dad?” I tried once again shouting into the house, immediate thoughts of when I was younger came rushing back in of when I couldn’t find the boys in the house.

I walked further into the house ending up in the kitchen, a food magazine was sitting there opened up to a recipe and my mom’s computer was on the counter also. Confused, I made my way out of the kitchen and into the living room, she wasn’t there either, it looked as if all the life in the house had been sucked away.

“Anderana, people are going to find out that she’s here one day or another.” My mom’s voice spoke fiercely. It sounded like she was trying to be quite, but voices carry in an empty house. Following the sound of her voice, I made my way up the stairs. She was probably in her room, at least, it made since for her to be there.

“Yes, I realized that they’re coming here in June. But it’s also only February. We have sometime to figure it out, besides, Los Angeles is huge, and how on earth would they find her here? You came to your sister for help Anderana, and I’m giving it to you.”

I heard a frustrated sigh, and then it got quite. Quickly realizing she might open up the door at any moment, I scurried myself into my own room and closing the door hoping not to sound too loud and suspicious. I always made it very obvious that I knew something I shouldn’t.

My mom was Anderana’s sister? Where is Anderana right now? Why was I with her sister and not her? Her sister is the one I woke up with besides the hospital bed claiming me as her long-lost daughter. The hospital believed her as no one had my birth certificate on hand, and no one had ever heard from my mother for the past 14 years. She claimed that she had gone off the radar, down low so that she could deal with her substance abuse in her own ways. Apparently she was fine now.

I believed her that she was my mother for the first month or so. I hated her for the first month. The only thing I ever did say to her was “How could you leave me with him? Do you know what I went through?”

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