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Greetings, fair travelers! 

I bid ye welcome to the fourth action-packed installment of the (rapidly) expanding Defenders universe! I am your honorable and fun-loving host, Tundrablitz, high-scroll-keeper of the Frost Tribe, alongside my valiant second-in-command, Scorpia, and it is with great honor that we greet you once more with open wings and open talons (and even more open hearts!).

Yes, you did hear us right. This is the fourth installment in this series. We can hardly believe it either! It seems like it was only yesterday that we embarked on this adventure and you all came along with us. Alas, how time flies! 

But for the sake of understanding what will transpire in this edition, if you haven't already, there are three books before this: Forgotten LegendsKingdoms Falling, and Blood Heir. If you haven't read those, we would suggest doing so now, or a lot of what will unravel will not make sense. But, alas, as always, that is ultimately your decision.

But, reader, we warn you--this book journals secrets from generations hundreds of years before our time. Before the time of the Defenders, even. Betrayal and darkness looms around every corner. Nothing is what it seems and sometimes, even the purest of heroes can lose their way when given the proper motivation. This is no longer a story of passion or heroism. It is a tale of fighting for survival in a vastly different world than one could ever imagine. Death looms around every corner for those who are not wary...

However, if you are not dissuaded and you still wish to journey on, then we eagerly permit you passage and invite you once more to set foot in Dragnaple.

 And may the Defenders protect you, always.

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