T or D pt. 1

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Deku's POV (also some people in the classes have changed or is/are going to change)

after awile of playing most of the boys excluding Bakugo, Mineta, shinso,kirishima and myself where shirtless. jiro and Momo where in dresses. Mina had on todoroki's shirt and a few other things.

"kirishima truth or dare" said one of the girls

"dare, if im doing this i cant say im a man if i dont do dare" was the responce he gave

"take off your shirt" yelled the girl

kirishima gladdley did so. it was diffrent most things i have done tonight where normel teen stuff it was fun.

"Izuku, T or D" said kirishima  looking at me


"do a dare you havent done one yet" said Mina.

"no do a truth, kiri ask him who he likes" said another girl.

"umm.. D-dare"

"tell him to take off his shirt" said mineta

"tell him to do something" said one of the girls

"i dont want to be mean though... okay you can pick from two coices becuse why not. you ake take off your shirt or sit in someone's lap for the rest of the game" we made eye contact but all i did was turn away and look at bakugo who just srugged. 

i decied to take off my shirt but i was nerves necuse of my scars and bangeges. i know i had banges across my chest and sholder but i also i some bangeds across my stomic.i also had some on my left arm but what everyone couldent see where the scars they where hidding. i also had some banges on my legs but they where hidden by my pants. 

"why do you have so many banges?" asked one of the girls

"kiri look at him, how badly did you push him?" said another

"n-no its not his fault. it's umm... its no ones really im all good." i said trying not to hide how embareing i was mabey i should have just sat in bakuo's lap or something.

"anyways its my turn so umm... Mina Truth or Dare?"


"who do you think is the cuttest?"

Bakugo's POV

okay yes i know he put on bangdes a lot but this morning he dident have that many was i surprised when i put more banges on him a little. how much did he hurt himself today. i hadent knoticed it as much when i put them on him. i was snaped out of my thoughts when i hured deku say

"who do you think is the cuttest?"

i looked at him and then mina.

"w-well i think a lot of people here are cute."

"but who is the cutest?"

"umm... well i think you or todoroki are pretty cute." she said quity

"okay" said todoroki

but izuku just sat there looking at her.

"huh.. m-me"

"yeah" yes" "your so cute" the girls cryed out.

"okay but i have to agree" said one of the boys 

"you are pretty hot i wish i had your body" said mineta

okay mabey that made me a bit mad.

"i will kill you if you get close to him got it grape" i yelled earning a cupple startes and a hugg from izuku. 

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