chapter eleven

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Olivia's POV

I woke up and i felt arms around me and i look to see Eddie sleeping and i turn a little bit and i looked at him sleep and he wakes up and smiled at me and i smiled back. I kissed him and there was a knock he groaned and got up and went to answer it. I hear someone say LAPD. I grab his shirt and i put on my underwear and walk over to Eddie i see Chris was sleeping.

"Officers." I said they looked at me

"Are you Olivia Lopez." a officer asked

"Yeah i am, is there a problem." I asked he looked at me and Eddie

"Um, no. It's that your daughter and her friend where blasting music last night and the your neighbors filed a complaint." He said i nod and he leaves and Eddie shuts the door and i smile.

"When did he get home." I asked him and he smiles

"Not long ago." He said and kissed me and i was against the wall.

"Your look hot im my shirt." He said i snike and i feel his hands go up my back. I hear a phone ringing. I walk over to it and it was my phone and the hospital.

"Hello." I said Eddie goes into the kitchen

"Hi, im doctor frank, i have your daughter and her friend here, there complaining about your daughter have some chest pain, so i pulled up her file and she had a heart condition." He asked

"Yeah she dose when she was a baby, shes still take the med's. Do i need to come down there?" I asked Eddie looked at me

"We will like that because your daughter is not over 18." He said i nod

"Okay, i'll be there as soon as possible." I said and the line went dead.

"What's wrong." Eddie asked i look at him

"Sara is in the hospital." I said walking in his room and putting back on my dress, he comes in and changes and i watch him. Chris comes in and hugs me.

"Hi, Olivia." He said i smile

"Hi, buddy." I said and i walk out of the room with him and i help him put his shoes on and we leave. We head to the hospital. I text hen to bring me clothes and he parks and i got out and walk in. I went up the front desk and they told me to follow them. i see Sara and CJ was sitting next to her. I walk in the room and hold her hand.

"Hey baby, i'm here, i'm here." I said the doctor comes in and looked at me

"Your Saras mom?" He asked i nod

"whats wrong with her." i asked looking at him

"Your doctor when she was little put a valve in her heart to give her time, but it's become a bad thing, i'm going to need to open her back up and put in a new one in place of this one." he said i see my baby with a tube down her throat.

"Ma'ma theres a lady named hen trying to come back." the nurse said

"Send her back and only her, for now please." i siad she nods and goes and gets her

"I'll be back, i'm going to check her lab." dr, frank said i nod adn i see hen she gives me my cloths i change into this...

" dr, frank said i nod adn i see hen she gives me my cloths i change into this

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i left the bathroom and hen was looking at Sara and holding her hand. I put my stuff down and i just broke and hen comes and hugs me.

"Olivia, the chief is here." She said i look at her, and i pull it together. "Adn your parents and the rest of the team." I nod and we walk out i walk out to the waiting room everyone one looked at me. My parents come up to me.

"como es ella." Mom asked i look at her 'how is she'

"No es bueno." I said they look at me 'Not good.'

"que es cariño cuéntanos!" Dada said 'which is honey tell us!'

"la válvula no es buena, ella necesita cirugía, el médico nos dijo cuando era bebé que esto podría suceder mamá, papá!" I said they look at me and hug me. 'the valve is not good, she needs surgery, the doctor told us when she was a baby that this could happen mom, dad!'

"vas a hacer la cirugía, cariño.." Dad asked 'you're going to do the surgery darling."

"que piensas papa Esta es mi hija de la que estás hablando, ella es mi mundo entero. así que sí, voy a hacer la cirugía." i said the look at em and not. 'what do you think, dad. This is my daughter you are talking about, she's my whole world. so yes i'm going to do the surgery.' i see everyone talking ot Eddie and they look at me. I see her doctor.

"Olivia, she's up, but we need to get her into surgery soon." I nod and i went in her room and looked at me

"Mom, i'm sorry i didn't tell you, you where so happy, i didn't want to make you cancel." She said i kissed the top of her head

"You should of told me. But that dosn't matter right know, so the valve we put in when you were a baby is not good anymore so your going to go under a surgery and put a new one in that you can live longer." I said holding her hand she nods she looks and i see Chris making his way in the room.

"Olivia, is Sara okay." He asked i pick him up and put him on my lap

"She is, but first she needs a surgery to fix her up." I said he nods I see Eddie and the doctor he takes her and Chris left so it was just me and Eddie.

"I'm sorry." He said i smile a little bit and we hug

"um. SO did you tell the team everything i said?" I asked

"Most of it." he said i nod. "After you left your parent looked at me because i was on the phone and i was speak Spanish, the ask me question. the hole team was laughing." i start laughing and i was still in a hug with him

"Do you know why the chief is here." I ask he looked at me

"He wants to talk to you." He said i nod and we left the room.

"Chief." I said he looked at me and we went out side. i sit down next to him. He hands me papers

"i'm giving you a few weeks off that you can help your daughter, The papers in that envelope are places you will be in command of. So the 118 you will be over seeing everything you do. What is going on with you and Diaz." He asked and said i looked at him

"We went on a date last night sir, i don't know where it will go sir." I said he nods and stands up

"If it goes anywhere report it right away." HE said i nod and we shook hands and i went back i with the envelope it was big. Everyone looked at me

"What." I said they all look at the big yellow envelope in my hand.

"What's in the envelope." Athena asked i look at it

"The places i will be in command of after A few weeks off a work." I said and they all were looking at it

"What so why are you a chief know." Buck asked

"No, shes still a Caption, but she is a Caption over seeing more then one firehouse." Bobby said i nod

"Wait, are you over seeing 118." Hen asked i look at Bobby and everyone else, my mom and Dad were looking at me

"Olivia." Chim said i look at everyone and i look at the envelope

"Yes, i will be over seeing 118, and alot of other places. Chief gave me a list of house that have places that have a room that i can make my office, so that will be my area to do work but, i haven't pick. ANd it doesn't mean i will be taking it easy on you guys ether." I said and they all laugh. we talk about random stuff and Sara got out of surgery and was doing well everyone left and i sat in her room and i was charging my phone and i look over the papers. There was two house that i could pick from to work out of. 118 or 125. I don't like 125, there asshole and thats going to change. i fell asleep.

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