Chapter 1

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"Wow I can't believe our parent let us study her. It still seems like a dream." Momo said waking up from her sleep.

"I know I am so excited. I always wanted to come to Seoul. We are finally here, attending one of the most prestigious arts school. It feels like a dream." Sana said.

"Yea feels like a dream and it will end up a dream if you guys don't wake up at this instance and get ready. We don't want to be late for the first day so hurry. I'll be making some breakfast. Please hurry." Mina said and headed to the kitchen to cook their breakfast. Their university did have uniform but it was only compulsory on Wednesdays or if they had an event. On the other days they had to dress formally and had a blazer.

Mina had finished preparing breakfast. Sana and Momo just came out of their rooms. They lived in the campus dorm. The dorm consisted of a living room 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and a kitchen. They shared the room which had three beds and kept the other room as a study room and a closet which had all their clothes. Once they had eaten their food they headed to their university which was JYP High, one of the most prestigious college in South Korea.

While on the way there the three were just causally talking when someone ran past them. They heard someone shouting from the back and when they turned back to look where the sound was coming from another person ran past them, almost knocking Mina over. If not for Sana and Momo she would have fallen already.

"What the hell? Who was that idiot? Couldn't even say sorry." Mina said.

"Oh look. There they are. Its the short one there who almost made you fall. Should we go talk to them?" Sana said.

"Sana chan, are you mad? Can't you see they are having a fight. The short girl is beating the guy. OMG he is bleeding. Should we go and help?" Mina said.

"Guys I don't think we should be involved in this. Plus we will be late. Let's go." Momo suggested.

They then headed to their college. Mina kept looking back at the scene and saw that the short girl was beating the crap out of the man and even took his wallet.

"WAHHH That girl....I can't believe a person can be so heartless. She even took his wallet. Like seriously wtf? She doesn't even have manners. I never thought I can hate a person so much when we haven't even met. Aigoo." Mina said.

"Mina, calm down. Its the last time you will be seeing her anyways. Forget about her. See we are here already. We should get our timetables and head to class." Sana said.

"Ah right. Where do we get it from?" Mina asked.

"Uh the presidents office. Its that way." Sana said while guiding them to the office. Once they were outside they knocked on the door and the voice inside called them inside. When they went inside they saw a beautiful girl on the table. She had big, pretty eyes and looked quite young. In fact their age.

"Annyeonghaseyo. We are the new transfer students from Japan. We are new here so we will be needing a new time table. Do we get it from you?" Momo said.

"Ah yes. Uh wait. Hirai Momo, Minatozaki Sana and Myoui Mina?" she asked reading the register.

"Uh yes, sunbaenim." Sana said.

"Ok great. Here is your timetable. Seems like all three of you have the same classes. This will be easier for you guys."

"Ah khamsahamnida sunbaenim." Momo said.

"Ah no worries. By the way I am Park Jihyo. You can call me by my name as I am younger than you. Also I am the student body president so if you have an queries or complaints, please feel free to contact me. I have few classes with you guys as well." Jihyo said.

"Ah ok. Gomawo. We should get going now." Mina said.

"Oh ok. Now worries. Enjoy your time here. See you around." Jihyo said and the J line left the room. They then looked at their schedule and saw that the first class was Maths. They started heading to their class and while on their way lots of people greeted them. They all wanted to talk to J line because they were gorgeous. Most of the students just stared at them in awe. Once they were in front of the class they headed in. There weren't a lot of people at the moment. As they were going for the front row seat they were called by two girls.

"Hey! Those seats are taken. Wanna come her?" The girls who had bunny teeth asked.

J line then headed towards them.

"Hey. So you guys are the transfer students right?" the paler girl asked.

"Um yes. We are from Japan. I am Minatozaki Sana."

"I am Myoui Mina."

Momo couldn't speak. She kept on looking at the paler girl which was seen by Mina and Sana and they nudged her.

"Oh I-I'm sorry. I am.....I am....." Momo struggled to say her own name.

"Momo. Hirai Momo." Mina completed it for her.

"uh yes. Sorry." Momo said.

"Ok. You seem to be nervous. Is everything fine?" the pale girl asked.

"Oh yes she is. Just gets nervous when she meets someone new. HAHA." Sana covered for Momo.

"Oh all right. By the way I am Im Nayeon." the girl with bunny teeth said.

"And I am Kim Dahyun. Nice to meet you." the pale girl said.

"By the way you can sit here. These two behind me and the one next to it is empty. Other are taken." Nayeon said.

"Oh ok. Thank you." Mina said and they all went to their seats. Sana and Momo wanted to sit together so Mina let them and she took the one empty seat next to them.

|____| |____| |_NAYEON_| |_DAHYUN_|

|____| |_MINA_|        |_SANA_| |_MOMO_|

(That was their seating order)

Soon enough the class started filling up. There were new faces in the class. At 8 the bell rang and the teacher entered the class but the three seat, one next to Mina and the two in front were still empty.

"Ok so is everyone here?" the teacher asked.

Everyone fell quite.

"So those three trouble makers are still not here. Will they ever be on time? Anyways we have three new students here joining us from today. Three of you please come here and introduce yourselves." The teacher said.

As the J line were getting up from their seat the door to the class opened and in came the three trouble makers. As to the J lines surprise it was the three girls they saw today morning, beating a man.

"Oh lord Jesus not them." Mina thought to herself.



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