People say life is hard,depressing,but we should enjoy it. Some things say why but don't mind it. You should make joy yourself.You hold the key,your key to change. Make everyday worth remembering , worth a risk to a step higher. Challenge yourself with everything you do. Take a step at a time. Learn from your mistakes. Your mistakes are limitless but your happiness has a greater power over it! Change the habit of being lazy, understand everything you do, love the world you live in. Lastly, just enjoy and be happy😄
The big question is why do you need to be happy? Happiness is why people are always together in unity, always enjoying but others destroy it by giving us pain,depression anpd anger. But how do we stay happy?
Others say do it in one blow, but you should take it a step at a time . Share some times with friends. Make a day memorable by making a change or risk . The simplest tip, enjoy! There's a lot of things. Experiment. You'll learn it's possible !
They say if you accept others they will accept you. The big thing is if you accept the kindness and times they give you, they will do too. Just think positive when you are with friends. They can make you happy if you will too.Follow the word CARE.
C-are for your friends and others around you
A-ccept how they treat you
R-espect the options of others
E-njoy your mistakes