Story 1: An apology-F

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An apology

You had a fight again. It was one of those stupid little fights that you often had with (B/n). You often have little arguments with him weekly about how he was ignoring you for the whole day and wouldn't even reply back to your messages. Sounds silly. But still. It would usually end in a day, with him apologizing to you the very next day. But this time was different. This time, was the worst one you had yet and it had been a week since you had argued with him. And a week and counting with no messages nor calls from him, and you were getting even more depressed by the day, thinking that (B/n) has finally lost interest in you. Your heart broke at the thought and you tried to think of another reason but it kept taunting you.

"What if he really does want to break up with me?"

You picked up your phone which was lying on your bedside table, staring at the blank empty screen you can't help but sigh. It had been a week since the argument and he has not called or texted you to apologize. Every time your phone vibrated or rang you would immediately check your phone hoping that it was (B/n) but sadly it would be a message from your friends asking about you or it would be a call from your parents, whom were currently working overseas.

"Whatever...if he isnt going to apologize the so shouldn't was his...his fault anyway...yeah it has always been..his...fault..." you choked on your words as felt your hot tears trickling down your face and your checks feverish.

 You tried repeatedly convincing yourself that it was solely his fault and that he wasn't worth you, but you couldn't stop your heart from contradicting you. You knew the truth but just didn't want to admit to it. You were both at fault. Curse your pride and insecurities.

You had almost given up hope that he will ever apologized, and you convinced yourself that he has completely lost interest in you as insecurities and doubts starts to overflow. Your heart pained at the thought but you couldn't stop the endless stream of feverish tears that continued to trickle down your checks. Your head hurt and you didn't want to think about anything else other than trying to stifle your uncontrollable sobs.

You laid in your bed, exhausted with your eyes red and puffy and your face stained with dry tears. You knew that you will look horrible tomorrow but you couldn't care less. You were trying to get over a heartbreak that still seemed unrealistic to you.

Suddenly your phone rang, playing the similar ringtone that you had once loved. It was the ringtone for (B/n). You stared blankly at the still vibrating cellphone on your bedside table, debating if you should pick it up. You were scared of the purpose of the call, he was either calling to apologize or to say the same heartbreaking words to you. Finally, you reluctantly picked up the phone call, thinking that you might as well hear what he had to say before you officially break down.

You coughed, before picking up the phone, hoping that your voice wasn't hoarse.



It was weird that there wasn't an answer but you could tell that (B/n) was hesitating on the other side off the phone.

".........if there's nothing you want to say then I'm hanging up..."


You flinched at the sound of his voice, the one sound that was like a melody to your ears. That one voice that would always comfort you when you were down. That one voice that would chuckle at your embarrassing antics. And the one voice that would always say "I Love You". But now, you didn't really want to hear his voice.

(B/n) has sensed that you had flinched and hesitated and took the opportunity to recompose himself.

"...(Y/n).....please...just come out now.."

Out? You were puzzled at his reply and hesitated, knowing the risk that he might be outside of your door now. You didn't want to see his face nor did you want him to see your tear stained face.


You sighed, a little reluctant to see him but you knew that it would soon come down to this.

".................wait a while......"

You placed the phone down, still without ending the call as you slipped on a coat. You gingerly walked down the stairs hoping for time to stop at the very moment. You dragged your steps as you slowly approach your main door and open the latched.

The sight in front of you almost made you cry as you witness (B/n) at the front of your gates. As you slowly approach him, you could clearly see that he had lost weight. The once lean and toned body was now a lifeless one. Upon hearing your footsteps, (B/n) looked up and what you saw broke your heart. It was now definite clear that he had lost weight. His eyes were red and puffy and he had large semicircle eye bags under them, indicating that he hadn't been able to sleep the past few days. His once glossy, sun kissed skin was now deathly pale. You can't help but worry for him, resisting the urge to just run up to him. You walked to him, still keeping an arm's length distance away from him as you looked down, refusing to look into the once warm chocolate eyes that captivated you.



A moment of silence passed and neither of you said anything. You couldn't stand the obvious tension in the air and decided to speak up first.

" is it"

Your voice hoarse and cracking from all the sobbing.

" have been thinking these past few days...and I know we have been through a lot but..."

You couldn't take it anymore as you closed your eyes shut not wanting to hear the words that was coming. You didn't want him to break up, because deep down you know that you still love him from the bottom of your heart. But if this is the consequence, then is better for you to let him go.

"I'm sorry....."

Tears start to trickle down your checks. It's the end.

"I still love you..."

Yes let's break u- Wait what. Your eyes flew open, not believing what you just heard (B/n) said. Did he just say 'I love you'? But wasn't he supposed to break up with you.

"I know I'm not the best and I have done many things to make you upset....and maybe...maybe I'm just not worthy of you...but..but I still love you..after everything We have went through.....I still love you"

Your eyes widened as you looked up to see (B/n)'s head bowed and eyes shut. Tears start to trickle down your face as you couldn't believe what he had just said. You were facing a whirlpool of emotion and confused at what was currently happening. But you knew one thing, was that after all the stupid things that he had done and all the mistakes you knew that you still loved him to the moon and back and that he felt the same way. Here, standing in front of you, eyes shut and fists clenched trying to spill out his mistakes, was the same guy that made you smile and laugh and made you feel loved. It is the same guy you fell heads over heels for.

You stifled your sobs as you run forward, into his arms, not caring if you face was tear stained or if your voice was hoarse. You just wanted to be in his arms once again, and nothing else matters. (B/n)'s eyes widened but you soon felt strong arms surrounding your waist as he pulled you closer, afraid that he would lose you again.

You stood in each other's embrace silently. No words were needed as you both enjoyed each other's warmth once again.

(B/n) closed his eyes and lowered his head to your shoulder, whispering something in your ear. It was almost inaudible but you've managed to hear it. Upon hearing it you started to tear, as the tears continued to flow. You lifted up your head in time to meet the familiar lips that you have missed the past week, as the warmth soothed you. It was a gentle kiss but it conveyed everything between you. Nothing mattered now, you were back where you belonged, in his arms. His words replaying in your mind.

"I love you."

You smiled against the kiss whispering a silent reply before capturing his lips in another slow and sweet kiss.

"Me too."


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