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I felt something. Something moving under me. Something like a.... No. That can't be possible. If that was the case, if I really was in a car then that would mean I was out from MEFY. That would mean that I was not... I was dreaming. That's the only explanation. I had completely lost it and now was dreaming about the outside. The world. That I had escaped. But then, why did this feel so real? What's wrong with me?! 

My eyes popped open. I took in a large gulp of air, like I wasn't even breathing before. I was in a car. It had been three years since I was in one. I was in a car. How? That's when i felt the pain. It was faded and distant but it still hurt a little. I looked to my right. Nickie and Jaden, sitting unconcious on the seat. I touched my wound and flinched. I felt blood, but it was gooey now. The windows, I tried to look but it was hard to see through a black sticker. I was to tired to scream. I tried opening the door. It was on child-lock; the kind which is locked from the outside. 

Groaning, I rested my head on the seat, looking at my two friends. What had happened exactly? The last thing I remembered was pain. literally, the word. I had already seen a man driving us. He had noticed my wake and was looking at me through the rear-view mirror. I recognized those green eyes. He had been the one to have hit me on the head. It was obvious. I despised him. As if that hatred for Alex had suddenly been replaced for him. A man I'd never seen in my life, now looking at me as if I knew him. 

I still felt his gaze at me but tended to ignore him. Instead, I shook Nickie, trying to wake her up. I could have reached for Jaden, but he was on the other side. His head resting on the black covered window. 

"Nickie, wake up." I said as softly as I could, so that the man wouldn't hear us. "Wake up. We need to-" 

"It won't work." I heard the man say, "I've injected them this drug. It'll be hard to wake them up for a little while."

I glared at him - actually I couldn't see his face, just the eyes, through the mirror. 

"What did you do to them?" I hissed, "Where are you taking us?" 

My voice wasn't shaky, and it surprised me. I wasn't scared of this man. Maybe it was because of his gently tone. Or his not-so-threatening green eyes. To be honest, this guy didn't seem to be the type to have kidnapped three teenagers. He just didn't seem like that type.

The man laughed, breaking me away from my thoughts, "I'm doing you a favor, kid. Being in a car is way better then to have been roaming around in the dark pipes." 

I flushed, how the hell did he know that? Did he know what we were up to?

As if he had read my thoughts, he said, "Saw the map of yours. No doubt you and your gang were planning to escape MEFY."

That's when it hit me. My duffel bag! The letters. Where is my bag?

"Your bag's in the trunk." He did it again. 

"Who are you?" I asked, frowning. 

He stopped the car with a jerk. I caught Nickie just in time before she fell on her face. 

"Drive carefully!" I barked, gently placing Nickie back on the seat. 

The man finally turned to me. He looked like he was in his late twenties or early thirties. His eyes matched his blonde standing hair. He wore a serious expression. Yet he didn't look like those clishe kidnappers with a scar on their face and a gun in their hands, with a scary, ugly face. This guy almost looked like a gentlman. Like he had been outgoing , kind and likeable before the virus. He still had his looks behind those eye bags and unshaved face. He looked like he had been a cop or something. With a happy life. But then it all changed.  He changed. Like everyone did. And he wasn't happy about it. 

He had a sad expression on his face. Like he hated to tell me something. 

"I worked for your father." 

These words were enough for me to trust him. But didn't he say 'worked' ?

"What do you mean, you 'worked' with him?" I rose a bow, "So now, you don't?"

He looked surprised. then said, quietly, as if someone might over hear us, "What are you saying? I sent you a letter. It said everything..."

With my blank expression, he understood that I never got the letter. It was probably in the duffel bag. 

He cleared his throught, guiltily looking at me. I knew something was wrong the moment he clenched his fists. 

"Harry..." He knew my name? "I'm sorry, kid. I really am. but..." 

No... That's not possible. No. Please let it not be what i'm thinking it could be. 

"What is it?" I gulped, "What happened to him?" 

"He...your father, Mr. Skale... i'm sorry Harry." 

That was enough. I understood. All this for nothing. My father... died. He died. And I'm sitting in a car, with a hope that i could have met him. Well, thank you world. thankyou for such pleasent luck. 

Even when I didn't want to know, I whispered, "How?"

"I don't know. He was murdered, Harry." The man said, his eyes lowered, "I came one day. And found him dead..." 

It was weird how sad he looked. Were they that close? So close that even I didn't feel as sad he did. I felt nothing. I realized that the man I had hoped to find, I had forgotten the feeling for him. I had forgotten him. That's why I felt so blank. So empty. Not sad, not angry. Just empty.

Nodding, for no reason, I laid my head on my seat. It felt hard to believe it. But then again, i'd seen it coming didn't i? I think I did. Murdered. He was murdered by the virus. That had to happen eventually. Is that why I felt nothing? And if my dad was dead, What now? He had been the only reason for me to escape. Should I go back?

The man started driving again, I ignored his stare. It was of empathy, though. I felt the stare warm. 

"What now?" I muttered, my arms wrapped around my chest, hugging them. I hadn't forgotten how to sit in a car, I just felt comfortable this way.

"I'm gonna take you to what you're father had told me to do. It's a safe place. You'll like. It's a bit far, but worth it." He explained, simply. 

I motioned at my friends, "Why bring them?" 

"Oh..them," He rolled his eyes, sighing, "These two wouldn't let me meet you so  I ended up injecting them. And taking them, incase they'd remember me and tell Lynn about me. That's why I had to hit you. Because I was finished with the drug. No offense." 

I shrugged, not that it mattered anymore. 

"What time is it?" I asked.

"Six, in the morning."

I smiled, this man didn't hesitate to answer. He didn't sound annoyed that I was asking him questions. He didn't mind. I decided to like him. 

"What's your name?"

He smiled. "Lyod. Lyod Warren." 

"It would have been nice to meeet you if you hadn't hit me on the head." I stated. 

"I apologize." He said, sheepishly. 

"What did you hit me with anyway?" I asked, curious. 

"Um... with the butt of my gun." 

"Woah!" My eyes widened with excitement, "You've got a gun? Nice." 

"It's just a pistol." He shrugged. 

"Why would you need a gun?" I inquired. 

His face turned serious, "In this world kid, You'd need more then a small pistol."

I gulped. How messed up is the world exactly? How messed up are the people living in this world?

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