♛ 13: Sweet Morning & Dread •

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Ayush set his guitar aside, content at the round of applause from Naveen Bansal and his team. Smoothing the crinkles on his maroon blazer, he straightened the edges of his black bowtie with a smile ruffling his lips.

"That was a splendid performance, Ayush," Naveen said, tucking a clipboard under his arm.

"Thanks, Mr Bansal."

"That's what people call my Dad. Just call me Naveen."

"Alright, Naveen."

"So here's where you'll stand. Face the audience with a confident smile, maintain a 10-inch distance from the mic," Naveen said.

He nodded with a stern expression, surveying the stage with his furrowed brows and taking mental notes.

"I'll check on the others," Naveen said, repeatedly punching the back of his click pen and walking away.

Ayush flicked his wrist and glanced at the time. "Oh no! Sakshi must be here."

Dashing to his seat in the front row, he pulled out his phone. Five big missed calls from Sakshi. Springing into action, he promptly called her back.

"Hello, yaara?"

"Hey." Her dull voice sapped his spirit.

"Extremely sorry, I was busy with practice and didn't know how time slipped away."

After a long pause, she replied, "The guard didn't let us in."

"Are you still here?"

"I was about to leave, but I had a doubt some miscommunication might have happened. Vini and I are waiting in the corridor."

"Wait right there!" Heaving a sigh of relief, he raced down the spiral staircase, bumping and tripping between hoards of elite socialites.

Reaching the bottom, his eyes stopped on the love of his life crammed in a corner, hugging her body tight, and Vinnati leaning beside her with a frown. To his pleasant surprise, she wore a maroon gown in a shade similar to his. Her tired, sweaty features dazzled in the golden shadows. Her love and determination made him realise he had fallen for a slaying queen.

Nearing her, his footsteps slowed in pace and firmness. Upon seeing him, Vinnati didn't hesitate to cast a burning stare. He expected the same from Sakshi. Astonishment glided across his features seeing her captivating smile. Not a trace of fury. Just disappointment.

"I'm sorry! Actually what happened, I . . ."

She caught hold of his hand, her silky fingertips grazing over his skin. Subtle yet firm. "I understand."

The two words from her lips washed all his worries without a trace.

"I don't. Care to explain?" Vinnati said.

"It's his first performance and in front of such a large audience, Vini. That's why he forgot," Sakshi said.

"No, I owe an explanation. Sorry, Vinnati. I got carried away in my practice. The phone was also in silent mode," he said.

Vinnati smiled. "It's alright, but try not to do that next time. Especially when special people are waiting for you," she said, nudging Sakshi.

"I promise I won't," Ayush said. "Come, let me be your guide, dear ladies."

The guard didn't question or halt them. He tipped his hat and unobstructed the way to the elevator. With mirror walls and dim lights, the cabin appeared to be straight from a fairytale. Ayush pressed the button labelled 'twenty'. He leaned and jammed his hands into his front pockets. An urge to see her flushed through his heart. Moving only his eyes, he peered at her reflection in the mirror only to find her staring back. This time, he didn't turn and flick his gaze away. He peered deeper and longer, matching her smile. The door slid open to the hall on the twentieth floor.

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