What They Do For You When Your Sick/ What You Do For Them In Return: Cast

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Richard Ellis: When you call him and tell him that your unwell he will drop what he's doing and he will come to your aid. He will spend the night with you and give you medicine and make sure that your fever goes down before he goes to sleep.

In return: When you feel better you go to his house and surprise him and you guys watch movies and make out. Then you fall asleep happily in each other's arms.

Sofia Bryant: She will get you anything that you want or need and she will frantically clean the house and make sure that everything is sanitized and ready for you and she will fall asleep with you and keep an eye on you until you feel better.

In return: You will plan a nice romantic dinner date for the both of you and you will get her flowers and a bear and a card just to show her how much you really appreciated her helping you feel better.

Sophia Lillis: When your sick she will be by your side and she will wash the sweaty sheets and she will get you new clothes and food and wait until your done getting ready and then she'll give you water tissues and medicine and keep giving you something to drink just so your mouth doesn't dry up and then to end the night you guys watch movies and fall asleep.

In return: You will plan a nice little outing for just you two and whatever she touches you will get for her just to show her that her helping you get better did not go unnoticed and that you appreciate her and love her with all your heart.

Wyatt Oleff: When he hears that your sick over social media he will call you or face time you when he's away. But when he comes back he came bearing gifts for you and you guys will wear matching pajamas and roast his friend Nic Hamilton on Twitter.

In return: You buy him a new phone and a computer and you buy him two pairs of expensive sunnies and you get him a photo album with pics of just the two of you with little captions on the bottoms of them and you would write a little note on the blank pages just to show him that you appreciated him and love him and you thank him for helping you get better.

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