Chapter 27

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The citizens of Zuen watched as Baba Yaga fell to her knees. She let out a final, bloodcurdling cry before collapsing to the ground. People scrambled out of her way as she fell upon buildings and destroyed the ground underneath her.

There was a deafening silence after Baba Yaga fell and dissolved away, her physical form dissipating as smoke into the atmosphere.

And then, they heard it. Indiscernible at first, but then undeniable: the sound of a child crying.

Through the cloud of smoke and smog, Anna appeared, half in a daze, but clutching Yves to her chest.

Olivia appeared next, running toward Anna and Yves. "Are you two alright?"

Anna nodded. "We're fine, but..." she looked around, her face full of worry. "Olaf!....Olaf!....where are you?"

"You mean that snowman?" asked Olivia. "Isn't that him around your neck?"

Anna looked down; just as Olivia had said, Anna was wearing the necklace she had given to her sister. But, to her horror, it had reverted back to the locket form; Olaf was nowhere to be seen. And if there was no Olaf...

Anna went pale; she looked at Olivia. "We've got to find Elsa."

"Let's split up," Olivia said. Anna nodded, and they both went in different directions in search of the missing Elsa.


It was a small, unsatisfying blessing that Olivia found her first. Elsa lay facedown on the ground, unmoving.

"ELSA!" Olivia ran over to Elsa, her mind racing at the millions of scenarios in which she'd hope to stumble upon Elsa, but this was the absolute worst. She knelt down on the ground and flipped Elsa over. She was grey and cold, and was not breathing.

"!" Olivia looked down at her hands. She could conjure flame, but how would that help? How could her ability possibly do anything but cause pain and destruction?

Olivia took a deep breath and balled her hands into fists. No. They had gotten so far. They had been through so much together. It couldn't end like this.

She unballed her fists and summoned the strength within her to perform an act with her hands that gave life rather than took it away; she began performing CPR on Elsa.

When Anna and Yves found them, Olivia was just finishing chest compressions and then put her ear to Elsa's chest to listen for a heartbeat. Nothing.

"Come on, Frosty...don't you quit on me now!..." said Olivia, and she pressed er lips against Elsa's to provide her with air. She was about to go back to the chest, when Elsa began coughing.

"Oh, thank heavens!" Olivia cried, pressing Elsa to her and allowing her tears to finally fall. "I thought I'd lost you...!"

Elsa spoke, but her voice came out hoarse and soft. "What did you say?"

"I said..." Elsa propped herself up. "I thought you had tried to reach out to me...when I was in the void. When I was under Baba Yaga's control. I heard your voice, but I couldn't hear the words. Was it..."

She broke out into a coughing fit again; still Olivia held her close.

"Love. Wasn't it? I heard you say...that you love me?"

Olivia smiled and slowly nodded. She gently brushed Elsa's blonde hair away from her face, now also stained with tears. Elsa raised her hands and cupped them around Olivia's face.

In an instant she felt all of Olivia's past pain, all her fear and insecurities. But beyond that, underneath the negative emotions that had molded her personality and shaped the woman that she was...there was also joy. And hope. And above all else, an overwhelming sense of love.

Elsa knew this feeling all too well, for it was also within her heart for Olivia. She brought her lips to Olivia's and kissed her passionately. Her powers would never be able to erase Olivia's past, but Elsa made a vow then and there to be a part of her future.

By now the smoggy remnants of Baba Yaga had almost entirely disappeared. As Anna watched from a distance, she was so enamored by Elsa's display of affection for another person, that she was totally caught by surprise when several Zuen soldiers appeared and pointed their weapons at them.

 Anna and Yves joined Elsa and Olivia, who helped each other to their feet and regarded the armed threat before them. They were now holding hands, but Olivia summoned a small flame in her free hand...

"Drop your weapons!" demanded a voice in the crowd. There was some murmuring, then all the soldiers put down their arms and knelt to the ground in a gesture of fealty. Only then did the group notice the Eldritch sisters approaching.

Salia--the older of the two--turned to regard the townspeople. "These four are no criminals! They are our saviors! They've vanquished the evil that slept in Mt. Aragorn and have ushered in peace and prosperity to our land!"

The younger sister, Tael, stopped in front of Elsa and took her hand into her own. "We are eternally grateful for everything you have done." She kissed Elsa's hand; the crowd cheered.

"Elsa?" Anna pointed to her locket. "Olaf..."

Elsa nodded to her sister. "Right," she then turned to the Salia and Tael and grinned mischievously. "Do you wanna build a snowman?"

The Eldritch Sisters looked at each other in bemusement, but then looked at Elsa and nodded enthusiastically.


Under the guidance of Elsa, Tael and Salia used their water powers to bring Olaf back to life. However, a few playful new additions were added: Salia gave Olaf a new dark blue vest and pants combo, complete with coal buttons, and Tael gave him a pair of thick, coke bottle glasses.

"Looking sharp, Olaf!" said Anna.

Yves clapped his hands in excitement. "Snowman! Snowman!"

Olaf spun around in place and did a pose. "Thanks. I've always thought I was a winter when it came to fashion."

Olivia smirked. "Gee, I wonder why..."

"I can't thank you enough for all your help," Elsa said to the Eldritch sisters. "But now, we should really get back to Arendelle."

"I really wish we could be of more assistance," said Salia. "But all of our airships were destroyed in the attack. You're welcome to use one when we're back in working order within the next few weeks."

"Next few weeks? But we need to get to Arendelle immediately!" cried Anna.

"My sister is right," said Elsa. "We have reason to believe our kingdom is staving off a surprise coup even as we speak. There's got to be another way..."

"There is," said Olivia. She whispered something in Elsa's ear; Elsa's eyes widened and looked at her seriously. "Are you sure? Is it safe?"

Olivia shrugged. "I've done it with Ivy more times than I care to admit. But if it works, it's a surefire way to get both you and your sister home in no time."

Elsa sighed. "Okay. I trust you."

Olivia smiled and tapped her finger on the tip of Elsa's nose. "Like you have a choice, Frosty," she said, but in a playful tone. She took Elsa by the hand and the two walked to the air docks, which were still in disarray due to Baba Yaga.

While still holding hands, Elsa and Olivia raised their arms in the air. "Focus your energy," said Olivia. "Concentrate."

Suddenly, a whirlpool of fire and ice began to brew around Olivia and Elsa, engulfing them completely. After several seconds, the whirlpool disappeared, and so did Elsa and Olivia.

Anna looked on in amazement at what stood in their place. Yves clapped his hands and laughed, then made flapping movements with his arms.

"Huh," said Olaf. "That's different."

Elsa Out of Her Element ✔ [COMPLETED] | A Frozen 3 Disney LGBTQ Fanfiction (GXG)Where stories live. Discover now