first day

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6:30 am
Jr's POV

Shit! shit! shit! shit! I hope I'm not late! I said while stumbling around my room trying to get dressed for my first day off trait school. oh um yeah I should probably start with an introduction first my name is bowser Jr I'm 12 years old and starting today im in the sixth grade. And today was my first day of trait school. it's basically like normal school but with more security consoling and they teach you how to control your trait oh yeah I probably should also explain what a trait is. a trait is basically a super power that comes from your soul we call them traits because they are usually related to your personality or appernce however not everyone has one but for example my trait is called ember it allows me to engulf my limbs in fire I can also shoot fire out of my mouth like a fire ball. So anyway now that we're done with the explanations. as I finished dressing I rushed downstairs to meet up with my dads personal chef chef pee pee unlike me he doesn't have a trait but he's still pretty useful sometimes and even though he's my dads personal chef he's kinda like my father figure in a way. Finally come on brat your gonna be late for school now hurry up and get in the car chef pee pee said
Why do you always have to be in a bad mood chef pee pee I pouted as I followed him to the car and got into the passenger seat. Oh I don't know maybe it's because I work for your broke ass dad who barely pays me! He responded
But you get to live here for free! Whatever just be quiet. The rest of the car ride was silent from their on besides me failing at trying to contain my excitement for trait school. Man I never thought I'd ever be excited for school but here I am. and soon we finally arrived at my new school it wasn't like my old elementary school this school was bigger and much nicer than my old school their was a sign right in front of the school that said Sparks and embers trait school huh that's ironic considering my trait. So then I opened the car door and stepped out and after taking a few steps I turned to chef pee pee and said. I love you!  and in response he just smiled and flipped me off and then proceeded to drive off now that might sound bad but that's just his way of showing affection towards me we've always had that rivalry type relationship were we would prank each other and say mean comments but still love each other at the end of the day. But now I finally start a new chapter in my life my first day of trait school.

Jr's POV
After I got my schedule for my classes I proceeded to make my way towards my classroom. I stared at the paper in my hands 229 huh I muttered under my breath I eventually found the room I was looking for I took a deep breath to mentally prepare myself before I grabbed the door knob and then opened the door. As I walked inside the whole class's eyes where on me and immediately I felt myself becoming extremely nervous and self conscious. Ahhh you must be the new student I've been informed of my name is Jackie chu and i will be your teacher for this semester please come over and say your name and trait to the class. Oh um ok well um hi everyone my name is Jr and my trait is called blaze basically I can light myself on fire as I looked around the class no one really seemed to care about my introduction the class was also kinda small maybe about 15 or 16 students in here but out of all those students one of them seemed to have caught my interest he was reading book in the corner of the classroom by him self he was pretty pale with dark brown hair with round glasses he had a lot of gothic piercings on both of his ears and one on his nose he also had black painted nails but that's not what caught my attention the most was his eyes they were a beautiful piercing blue that almost seemed to glow in a a way I wonder if that had something to do with his trait. maybe I should try being his friend. And in the middle of my train of thought the teacher spoke breaking me out of my trance Excuse me Cody Jackie chu said the bright eyed kid looked up from his book and had his eyes on the teacher. Could you please show Jr around the campus? Huh well that makes things easier I guess. And Without a word the kid stood up and walked up to me. come on. The boy said as he walked out of the class I followed him and as we were walking through the hallway the boy finally decided to speak up. You said your name was Jr correct? Oh um yeah and I assume you're name is Cody I responded. Yep ok so now that we are familiar I should probably explain some things about this school since it's your first time here and everything as you've probably noticed trait school is a little bit different than your average school obviously trait schools get a lot more funding than a typical school would get and they usually put you in your class based on both your previous grades and your trait you were put on the second floor so that means you probably have a pretty mediocre trait. Hey!! That was uncalled for wait we are in same class!! I responded. Cody just seemed to kinda ignore me and continued speaking. So anyway I should probably explain the rules to you. Yeah that would be nice I responded. So unlike normal school they actually allow fighting over here in fact they kind of encourage it. Woah what Really!? I yelled. Yep research shows that combat is the best way for a person to learn to control their trait and use it smartly however all fights have to be supervised by an adult or else you will get suspension or expulsion and if the fight is taken to far an adult is authorized to stop it by force. Our school also hosts events, fighting tournaments, ECT. Woah this school is even cooler than I thought it would be I said. Cody eyes shifted to the side. Yeah cool he muttered sarcastically. The rest of the tour was pretty basic he showed me the bathrooms cafeteria, school, store and other stuff. the tour was going pretty great and I even started to warm up to Cody's dry and know it all personality. But then someone from behind us yelled HEY CODY!! I looked behind me to see who it was he was another kid he had dark skin and wore a black beanie with dark strands of hair sticking out from underneath it he also wore a black tank top and green army pants with black boots he kinda looked like a solder or something. Um Cody do you know that guy. Nope let's just keep walking Cody responded but before we could something hit the locker right next to us at blinding speed turns out it was the kid and he had his fist lodged into the locker as he pulled it out he turned towards us a sadistic grin on his face. your not going anywhere not after you put my friend in the hospital cody!!!
He deserved it Cody responded. The solder boy did not like that response so he punched Cody in the face with blinding speed and as result Cody went flying across the hallway and landed on the hard tile floor he slowly got up clutching his cheek in pain. And Then the bully began to walk towards cody to beat him up but he was stopped when I shot a fire ball at him while his back was turned. OOOOWWWW!!!! What the hell!! He said as he turned to me you shot me while my back was turned you fucking coward!! Your the one who turned your back and besides It's what you get for attacking my friend!!! I yelled. Cody's ears perked up at that statement. Friend? Cody muttered. Fine if you want to protect your "friend" so badly you can die with him!!! He yelled as he kicked me in the gut sending me flying towards cody though Cody just seemed to move out of the way letting me hit the wall. owwww I groaned Cody then turned to the bully. Hey Bill can you give us a moment?! Cody asked.
Fine but as soon as your done your both dead!! Bill yelled. Thank you cody responded he then turned around and knelled next to me. Hey so umm what was your trait again? Cody asked. my trait is called blaze it alows me to engulf my hands and feet in fire I can also shoot it from my mouth. hmmm that may be enough to beat him Cody muttered. What about you what's your trait? I asked him. he just looked off to the side and started twirling his hair with his finger. It's complicated what's important is that my trait isn't really the type that's used for combat so your gonna have to handle him yourself I would say run but he'd catch us to easily. Got any strategy's? I asked him. His trait is called rocket it allows him to propel his arms and legs at blinding speed and enormous power that's how he was able run really fast and punch super hard but while he's using his trait it's impossible for him to change direction plus it tires him out pretty quick.
So that's something you could probably use to your advantage so just avoid his attacks and you'll be fine. As I began to stand up I glared at the kid who was waiting patiently for us to finish. So your done talking about how fucked you both are!!? Bill quipped. I then engulfed my hands in flames alright let's let's do this.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2020 ⏰

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