Day 5 - Statue

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Disclaimer: I do not own Miraculous or any of its characters. I didn't want to do a rewrite of the statue scene (then I'd have to watch the episode again, and I just wasn't feeling it), so I figured I'd try something different instead.

Featured AU: Aged Up/University AU

It's Raining Sunshine

Day 5: Statue

"Stay still, you big goof!"

Adrien hopped on his feet, dodging another jabbing pin. "M'Lady, do you have to wield those pins with such accuracy? I know I'm supposed to stay still, that is the point of the matter."

Another sharp little prick stung his butt.


Marinette moved around Adrien, and a wicked smile spread across her face. She palmed the pin cushion in her hand, quickly putting away the offending pin and twirling the end of the tape ruler hanging over her neck. "Whoops, my hand slipped," she teased, watching her boyfriend rub his rear. "Besides, no terrible puns while the designer is working her magic."

Adrien cocked an eyebrow, his tongue darting out to point at Marinette before sliding back into his mouth. "M'Lady, I know you love me for my terrible puns."

The evil grin on her face tipped him off, but the layers of fabric greatly reduced his reaction time.

She playfully jabbed a pin at him, not quite touching him with the sharp edge. "Point taken," she said, the tease in her tone at maximum quantity.

"Hey!" Adrien waggled his finger. He couldn't stop one corner of his mouth from lifting higher than the other. "I thought there were to be no bad puns while the designer was working!"

"Hm, but I wasn't working. I was distracted with my model's fidgety nature."

The blonde crossed his arms over his chest, the fabric balling up like a cloak, and sighed overdramatically. "You and your inarguable logic..."

Both of them looked down, shook their heads, and chuckled at the other.

All around them, Marinette's studio glowed in the soft lights. Darkness showed outside the windows, a blanket of stars around a crescent moon, but the studio's lighting allowed for easy lighting on the eyes and full vision for work. Other projects crowded Marinette's worktables, and the current design she was working on sat on the floor beside them, the sketchbook opened to the exact page it was on.

Adrien shifted on his feet, careful to keep himself from falling off the modelling stand. Marinette carefully hopped off the little, circular stage, running her free hand over her hair. Fingers hit the messy bun at the top back of her head, and as she looked over the design yet again, she looked up to find her boyfriend playing around with the large amount of fabric.


He heavy-breathed, lowering the pitch of his voice and rasping his words. His fingers curled around an invisible sword, and as his sleeves drooped down toward the floor, he mockingly called out, "'No, Luke, I am your father!'"

Marinette snorted. "Alright, Darth Adrien, can you use the Force to stay still for one moment?"

"Hm..." He broke his pose, lifting a finger to tap against his chin in a dramatic fashion. "I may need to think about this one. The Force is not to be used willy-nilly..."

"Well, I do need you to stay as still as you can while I pin up the places the outfit will take its shape in." Hands pressed to hips as Marinette scrunched up her nose and concentrated. "What will get Mister Adrien Agreste to stay still...?"

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