This Is Nothing Like TV...

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Lmao I already have a bad feeling about this story. If you like it, don't forget to follow me here and on insta. Im going to be writing a LOT of stories. I mean, I have nothing else to do during quarentine. Love u guys!

Seulgi shot up from her bed as soon as her alarm rang and dashed to the bathroom out of excitment. The girl looked in the mirror and let out a sigh. 

"Just a few more years.."

 She was happy that she finally got to go to school, but she knew she didn't have much time. She threw her uniform on and gathered her things all the while holding a toothbrush in her mouth. She giggled at her actions and left soon afterwards. The second Seulgi closed the front door, she smiled. 

"It's been so long since I came outside, feels nice."

 She told herself as she started to walk slower. After what seemed like 10 minutes, she arrived at Anglewood high. Seulgi hesitated before walking through the doors. She stood there shaking. 

"Excuse me miss, can we help you?"

 a man who seemed to be in his late 30's asked while walking through the front doors of the high school. 

"Oh, um, hello. I'm a new student here and I just came t-to uhh-"

 "please come to my office." 

The man asked, opening the door wider so she can walk in. Even the main hall was big! 

"This way please."

 The man lead her to a room and sat her down. 

"I'm Principle Mingi. May I have your name please?"

 he questioned.

"Seulgi, Kang Seulgi." 

she said. Mr, Mingi typed something into the the computer and put on his glasses to see it. 

"Ahh Seulgi, you're in class 1-3 with the Mrs. Suzuki. I've just alerted her that she is getting a new student today. You should get going now, class will start any minute now." 

Mr. Mingi waved at Seulgi as she ran out of the room and scattered the hallways to look for class 1-3.

 "Found it!"

 Seulgi knew the bell was about to ring. Just as she made it through the door, it went off. A lady who seemed to be in her mid 20's  looked at her with a loving smile. 

"Class, we have a new student today. Please introduce yourself." 

"I'm Kang Seulgi and its nice to meet all of you."

 she stated while flashing a bright smile, catching everybody off guard. 

"You can sit next to Taeyong, in the back of the classroom." 

she noticed the boy glaring at her from a distance but she nodded and made her way to the seat, despite others making a face of concern. she took a seat and turned to Taeyong as the teacher started class.

 "I guess were gonna be deskmates, huh?" 

She giggled. She held her hand out for him to shake but he just stared at her. Eyes softening by the minute. He quickly looked away, to the front of the classroom sparing her a second glace every now and then. After about 45 minutes, it was time for lunch. 

"Hi there!"

A girl hollard, popping up in front of Seulgi, holding a piece of bread. 

"I'm Bora. You're name is Seulgi, right? That's a pretty name! Wanna have lunch together?"

She was going to accept her offer until something came to mind. As of right now, she was looking to build a relationship with her deskmate first.

"Sorry but, i was gonna eat with my deskmate.."

"That's fine. Maybe tomorrow then?"

Seulgi nodded and turned to go back to her seat when she saw a girl standing next to Taeyong. A really pretty one too. 

"So if you just give me your number, we could probably hang out some time." 

The girl handed him her phone but he quickly threw it behind him.

Just then, her friends came up to her.

"I heard he's gay.."

"Too bad, he's kinda cute."

"I know right, his jawline in perfect and his skin is so clear."

"Im really digging the red hair dye!"

Seulgi looked away from them and sat next to him, making him look at her.

 "Don't even pay attention to them. But did you really need to throw her phone?"

Taeyong sighed. 

"I Kinda did. She tries this at least twice a week and if its not her, its every other girl in this school."

The room that was once filled with energy went quiet. Seulgi looked around as Taeyong kept facing foreward. 

"Did he just talk to her normally..?"

A boy standing by the door questioned.

"Tch, he hasn't spoken to anybody without attitude since...ever"

"So does this mean he's not gay?"

Bora huffed.

"First day of school and people are already talking about you? I-"

"All I did was talk to him, this is NOTHING like what I saw on TV!"

Just then, everyone heard the bell ring and rolled their eyes when they saw a man walk into the classroom. 

"Everyone have a seat, its time to start class."

Wow, I can't believe you actually made it through. Im really greatful and I hope you're feeling healthy rn. Don't forget, ALWAYS WASH UR HANDS.

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