Prologue (Part 1)

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Would you think that a little girl like me, born on the wrong side of the tracks, be a witch. I stared down at my letter confused, wondering where Hogwarts even is. I stood up walking out of my room through the tight halls of the trailer house. My dad is sitting on the couch watching TV and a beer in hand.

"Daddy? What is Hogwarts?" I asked innocently, as I am still a little child at eleven years old. My dad moved his titled head, the dark circles under his eyes showing just how tired he was.

"What? Let me see that," he demanded, sitting up and placing his beer down next to the other empty bottles. I sat down next to him giving him the letter. "A witch school?" He mumbled under his breath reading the paper explaining that I was a witch and needed supplies that were very weird. Things like a caldron and even a pet. I could choose a cat, toad, or owl. "Sweety, this is called spam mail. There is no wizard school in Riverdale, let alone America." Just as daddy finished his sentence a knock was heard on the door. He stood up and answered it.

"Mr. Jones?" An old lady asked, looking oddly dressed from what I could see still sitting on the couch. "Good you have read the letter," she said walking in and noticing my dad still holding the paper. She looked very old but elegant in her green robes and very tall witches hat. She gave me a sweet smile. "You are Leilani, right?"

"I prefer to be called Lynn," I answered, trusting the woman's smile as she walked around the messy trailer and sat down in the arm chair.

"Sorry but who are you and what are you doing in my trailer?" Daddy spoke up his voice like venom. It sounded like that whenever he was angry.

"My apologies, Mr. Jones. My name is Professor Minerva McGonagall, the Transfiguration teacher at Hogwarts. I'm here to help Lynn get her supplies and travel to Hogwarts for the semester," she explained while my dad still stood the paper clutched in his hand. "Don't worry I planned to help keep you and your daughter in touch." I looked back at Professor McGonagall and she dug under her cloak pulling out a bottle of ink and an old style quill. She stood up and grabbed a pile of old style paper from the counter of the stove and opened the bottle of ink. "Whatever you write in this ink will show up in this," she pulled out a leather bound journal. "So you can talk to your daughter. I have a matching set for you dear. Keep your papers together. But I would suggest you contact her by owl." I didn't even realize I was smiling until Professor turned to look at me and chuckled.

"I can do magic?" I asked as she walked over to me and kneeled down to my height, my dad looking at the quill and ink confused.

"Have you ever moved something, or had something happen when you felt strong in an emotion?" She asked. I thought back to the time I was yelling at my older brother for leaving me to help dad and the Southside Serpents. During that fight two bushes caught fire nearby, and it was sprinkling that night, but no lightning.

"Can my brother do magic? Can you Daddy?" I asked my excitement growing the more I learned.

"I'm afraid not, you see you are a rare occurrence when a witch or wizard is born under non-magical parents. But it seems to be more of an occurrence," she explained, winking at me. I felt overjoyed. For so long I felt normal and not unique, but now I have a chance to find myself. Professor McGonogall stood up and turned back to my dad. "I suggest you get cleaned up Mr. Jones, we need to go get her supplies and it's a bit of a trip." I jumped out of my seat.

"I'm changing now!!" I called running past my daddy and into my room.

I stood with my father, the both of us having our leather serpent jackets on. My dad wouldn't uncross his arms as he was too confused and not trusting of this woman, but I could tell he dealt with it to keep me happy. The professor smiled and motioned for us to follow her. Lucky enough it was nighttime otherwise it would be weird to see two gang members following this woman with weird clothing.

Leilani "Lynn" Jones, the WitchWhere stories live. Discover now