Chapter 1 || Neighbour?

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Manami's POV:

Can't believe that he's dead. Our beloved teacher whom we all miss. Graduation was depressing, every single thing reminded us of him. It was really hard for all of us to separate and go our own ways but it was for our own good. All those thoughts were stuck in my head every now and then. Even now, as i'm at the grocery shop getting myself some snacks and food. I didn't feel like braiding my hair today so i let it stay in this messy state. I got myself some food and snacks then walked to my dorm. After graduation i wanted to move out of my parents place cause now i had to study more than i had to. And my little sister wasn't helping me concentrate on my studies with her whining and loud voice. So my parents gathered up some money and bought me a decent little dorm. Cause i will be living there alone, i don't need much space, so finding a nice looking yet affordable dorm wasn't hard. I walked up to my dorm door and was about to open it but two hands covered my vision.

"Guess who it is~" Said a teasy well known voice. Ofcorse i knew who it was, Karma. Who else has that sadistic yet smooth voice?

"Karma" I then took his hands off my eyes and turned around, our eyes met. He was wearing a black hoodie and some jeans. Other than that everything was like i remembered him to be. He checked me out for a few seconds before staring at only one spot. I followed his eyes to see where he was looking, only to find out that he was staring at my breasts. I jumped back covering my them with my arms.

"W-WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT P-PERVERT!" I yelled at him hands still covering my breasts.

" do i put it...they are bigger than they used to be" He looked away with a slight blush on his cheeks.

"What, did you check out my boobs every now and then?" I asked arms crossed.

"Wellllllllll, you know....i'm a guy, and....guys check out their crushes from head to toe" He looked at me and gave me a smirk.

Oh, already forgot. Back in 3-E Karma had confessed to me in the love tunnel that Koro-sensei had made for us to pair up. Tho his plan backfired and instead of pairing someone up he got to see a student get rejected.


"I'm sorry Karma-kun but i'm not ready for a relation ship, and i'm afraid i don't feel the same way. Don't get me wrong tho, if i would ever fall in love out off all the guys in E-class then i would fall for you for sure" I told Karma not trying to break his heart or hurt him at all. But i wasn't prepared for the following words.

"Don't worry Nami, i won't push it on you. Tho....i won't give up on you, i will always love you and i will do whatever it takes to win your heart" He then gave me a warm hug and i hugged him back slightly blushing.

End of flasback~

"So i guess he still has feelings for me after all?" I thought to myself.

"So, how've you beed? Haven't seen for the whole summer" He asked as he put his hands in his pockets.

"Fine. I found a decent little apartment and am attending Kunugigaoka High School soon" I told him happily.

"Kunugigaoka? I'm attending there as well!" He said with a surprised expression.

"I know, you told me already" I chuckled a bit.

"So you knew but didn't tell me that you were going to the same High-School as i? How could you, i thought we were friends " He pouted like a child.

"Oh come on, don't be like that. You know i love you" I hugged him tightly.

"You do?" He blushed misunderstanding what I meant.

I then realized he didn't understand me me so i quickly jumped back panicking.

"N-no, i meant in a friend way!" I said as my face went redder and redder.

"Ofcorse you did" He then giggled but i could tell he was hurt.

"Anyways, i'm on the third floor right above you. Also, i will be visiting - you know what, nah it's more like barging in your apartment when ever i feel like it" He said as devil horns and tail popped out. "So you should keep yourself dressed at all times"

"I can lock the door and windows, you do know that right?" I put my hands on my hips with sass.

"Ye, so? I have my ways of getting in don't worry~" He gave me a wide smirk.

"If you break my door then you're paying for it" I looked at him with dot eyes.

"I have hair clips, don't worry~" He then winked at me and took my keyes out of my hand.

"H-HEY W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" I shuddered out.

"Unlocking your door to wander around your apartment" He simply said before he opened my door and walked in like he lived there.

"Yup....this is gonna be harder to deal with than my little sister" I thought while i ran inside and closed the door behind me. I went to look where Karma went, only to find him at my frige eating my favorite honeycomb toffee.

"HEY THAT'S MINE!!" I yelled at him with anger in my voice.

"I know but you bought three more as i can see" He then glanced at the see through grocery bag that had three boxes of honeycomb toffee seen in it. I clenched my fists in anger. "Karmaaa"

And this was just the start~

HEYOOOOOOOO!! SHORT I KNOW, BUT WHAT CAN YA DO?! The next chapy will be longer i promise

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