Chapter 4 || The beach (part 1)

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Author's POV:

Manami woke up and opened her eyes and saw Karma staring at her.

"Good morning sleepyhead~" He said and then smiled.

Manami blinked a few times and then jumped off the bed backing out against a wall.

"K-KARMA! What are you d-doing here?!" She screamed "And why were you on my bed?!"

"I came here to make you breakfast. Then i saw how peacefully you slept and just had to stare at you" He said with a smile and calm tone.


"Yes, now go take a shower, change clothes and come eat your breakfast" He then casually walked in the kitchen.

"....karma...." She cursed his name under her breath, silent enough for him not to hear it.

After shower and changing~

Manami left the bathroom in an oversized t-shirt and a towel on her head, she also didn't have glasses on.

"Oh, you're ba- are you wearing pants under that?" He pointed to her lower half of the big shirt.


"Go put pants on, now"


Karma looked at her with an angry expression yet he was blushing madly.

"Calm down, the shirt is long enou-"

"Go put pants on, and don't make me say it again. Otherwise I'll change you myself" He looked at her demandingly in the eyes, still blushing.

"F-fine" She walked off.

She came back with shorts on but it wasn't visible under the shirt.

"What did i say....." Karma looked back at her with demon eyes, holding the sharp knife he was chopping food with.

".....i put pants on?" Manami then lifted the shirt for Karma to see.

"Oh....good...." He then put the breakfast on the table and sat down.

Manami looked at the food like it was from the heavens.

"You gonna eat or just stare?"

"W-wait, let me take a picture" She took out her phone and started taking like 100 photos.

Karma looked at her and started laughing "You gonna post that on instagram?" He asked.

"I don't see why not- is that okay with you?" She looked at him.

"Sure, i don't see why not" He then rested his head in his palm, looking at her.

"...oh uh- i don't know what to put as the caption..." She said, still looking at her phone.

"I know-" Karma then yanked her phone out of her hands and started typing something.

"K-Karma! Give it back" She protested, trying to get her phone back.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2020 ⏰

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