Elena finds out about the trio

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Elena looks at Elijah ands asks " Mathias talked about this trio who are they?" Elijah smiles a little and says " They are my nieces and nephew." She nods and says " he's here." Then they see a teenage boy come in the distance. Elijah puts a reserved look on and says " Aaron what do I owe this pleasure." Aaron looks at Elena and Elijah ands says " Uncle please let us have this win we need this justice." Elijah just shakes his head well Aaron just looks at Elena and smirks and says to Elena " Katherine was more prettier and at least knew how to look out for herself." Elena glares at Aaron who just roll his eyes and says " Bye bitches. "

Aaron walks into his Hideout and says to Mathias and Bellatrix " Stay in Mystic falls I have a feeling this gang will be a pain." They nod and I take out my phone and text Mare " all things good."  I go to my bed and I take out my computer and I go on my school work.

That night I have a shower and I put on a rolling Stones tee and basketball shorts and I see Mare in tee and sports shorts and she smiles at me and goes to her room and puts on Panic @t the disco. Cass goes to her room and she rushes to get ready she is working Tonight.

I go to my computer and I see a email from my friend Aubrielle Salvatore she is the daughter of Damon Salvatore and Lexi Branson. She is a good friend like her mother was.
I email her back and I see a email from Nathan and I smirk and I reply. I turned Nathan and Kieran they are the first Hybrids ever made. Stefan thinks they died but they are alive and wanting Elena dead so there can be more hybrids.

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