Introducing Me

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Hey, I'm Catherine Steele and this is the story of how I'm secretly a psychopath.

It all started many years ago when I was only eight years old. At that point I had already walked to hell and back many times. Okay, so before we start you should probably know that this story involves a lot of triggering events like: Rape, self-harm, depression, anxiety and mental illness.

From the young age of 8 I had been revealed to harm, low self-esteem and the demons that call themselves depression. I was tormented and bullied at school and even at home. I was being subjected to a lot and the worst part is I didn't know the full lengths of how bad the things I was going through was. After a while the bullying and tormenting at school died down and finally got to what I thought would be a nice and peaceful year 5.

Throughout year 5 I felt very alone but I was lucky enough to keep one great friend called Millie Peralta. Millie was there for me in times no one else was, I trusted her more than anyone. Millie and I were best friends. Millie is the greatest friend I ever had, she made life a lot easier. We did a lot together we joined the school choir, we played videogames, had sleepovers and ate melted chocolate.

When it came closer to the end of the school year we had to move away. My parents thought it would be best to get away from our grandparents because well one of them was re-married to a creep and on the other side of the family my grandparents would much rather spend time doing nothing at a pub and call authorities for no reason than spend time with their grandchildren.

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