drama club and other sorts of drama..

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So I sat in my chemistry class and listened to Mrs. Zalia droning on and on about covalent bonds or something like that anyways.. Chemistry isn't really my subject I'm more of a biology person!

Once I was out of that lesson I decided to go to the sign up for drama club, I had been meaning to do that since last year actually but I got caught up in a whole load of other stuff.. I've always secretly admired acting actually, when I was younger I used to sit there and act with Clementine, our parents had installed a mini stage and we would perform short plays for them every weekend, I would also sing Clem was always secretly jealous of my voice all my family new but she had the talent of dancing! Clem grew out of it, all of it the dancing the acting, the loving... but I didn't.. I'm gonna join right now!

I entered the drama classroom and found Mrs Smith sitting in her weird gypsy like clothes on a wooden chair, she said good morning without looking up from her knitting needles which were clicking quite furiously and vigorously.

It was actually a bit disturbing..

But I ignored and walked closer towards her and said,

"I would like to join the drama club!"

"you?" she questions

"yes Mrs Smith, me!"

" why?"

"because acting gives me a thrill, the lights, the action, the stage, you see it runs in my blood my mother was once an actor. My childhood is mainly consisted of acting.. That is why!" I say in a very miraculous tone of voice.

It was quite the speech I must admit!

She stops knitting and looks at me from ontop of her glasses.

"what did you say your name was?"

"Natalie Casen" I reply in confusion

"well Natalie Casen, you should know that you're officially part of my drama club!"

"oh wow thankyou, thankyou I won't let you down and I promise you won't regret this!"

I reply with a really huge grin, happiness evident in my face!

I walk out of the drama room in happiness. Tom walks bye and smiles at me, I smile back and carry on walking, I stop after a meter or two and feel that something is terribly wrong, suddenly realisation overwhelms me....

I just smiled at Tom as if everything was all unicorns and rainbows!!!! Well he should know that it is most definitely not unicorns or rainbows!!

The problem is though that deep down through all the layers of my anger I was happy, I was happy to know that he just smiled at me and walked by, it just felt so right, and that's the problem, I will not let myself fall in love with Tom Jones, god knows what will happen this time....

I went to the library and sat at the very back of it.

I sat there and thought...

I thought of all the pain and the memories of last year and I realised just how much that jerkface let me down.. I honestly truly thought that he was different..

The thing is that when I was with him, I was so strong, I was so happy And most of all I was so in love.. 

Everything was possible when we were together, nothing would stop either of us from doing anything.

I would stand on the stage and sing my heart out knowing that he would be standing right there in the crowd supporting me and watching out for me, we were so strong..

It just hurt me so much that he went and left me the way he did, It was meant to be the best year of my life yet it all ended after just 9 months..

And why it ended? For no reason other jerkface's selfish and ugly heart...

But my worst weakness is loving him, no matter how hard I try I can never bring myself to hate him no matter how much I move on there will always be that part of my heart that flutters everytime I see him walk by or hear him in his deep and gorgeous voice.. 

You Tom Jones are my weakness but at the same time your really all my strength.....

I fall asleep in my spot In the back of the library, when suddenly someone is prodding me and poking me telling me to wake up.. I don't open my eyes I just swat away the hand and suddenly I feel warm and firm hands around my waist and then, a voice,

"if you don't wake up I will carry on hugging you!"

He whispers against the crook of my neck I suddenly jolt up recognising the voice it belonged to the one and only jerkface...

My eyes bolt open wide glaring at his sniggering face..

I brush my hair behind my ear with my hands and look up at him annoyed.

His expression suddenly changes from a smirk to a frown and I see sadness in his eyes but it is covered up once again by his famous smirk..

"why you upset? Any girl would have loved to be hugged by me.." he replies in a jokey voice.

I glare at him even harder at the fact that he is turning it into a joke as if it is so normal and casual for him to even talk to me..

"Tom Jones why don't you just stay away from me... You have already did enough.."

At that I push myself up and walk away..

But, I don't get very far as Tom grips me from my elbow.. What is it with my stupid elbow!!! First lara then this.

I turn to him fury evident in my eyes.

"what do you want I've already made it clear for you to stay away from me!"

At the last few words I break into tears and shove my elbow away from him and run off to the toilet, tears threatening to fall out of my eyes..

I get to the toilet and slam the door closed, and slide onto the floor and start bawling and spluttering out huge sobs..

I really cant take all of this..


Emotional right!! Yup so I'm really trying to make up for the times I didn't update so yeah and next chapter will be Tom's Pov

So that will be interesting.. And as usual ignore my punctuation vote, comment and REAAAD!!  <3

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