Section Two, Part One

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A sudden burst of energy thrust Archer and Emma through the light. It felt as if an invisible claw had grabbed them and pulled them forward. The light started to dim, and Archer found himself through a tunnel of purple and white energy, spinning around them as they were propelled forward. A shudder of electricity seemed to course through his body, and a shuddering tingle followed it. Then the voices returned, but this time they were fearful... they cried out as pain flared throughout Archer's body. Then cold shivers went throughout Archer's body. He looked over painfully and saw Emma in a similar situation, arching her back and groaning. Archer's heart ached to help her, but he could do nothing. His eyes fixed to the very center of the wormhole. A white tear in reality began to form in the sort-of horizon. As it got closer and brighter, Archer knew that he had to get there, or the tremors racing through his limbs would kill him. He reached out his hand towards the light, and his hand connected with the light.

An invisible force made Archer pitch headfirst through the light. A second later, his head connected with cold, hard stone. He felt his nose breaking, and he tried to get up. He was lying on a large gray rock, and from the look of it, up on a mountain. Archer felt almost normal again, except for a weird feeling that felt like a residual from the electric shocks that went through his body. Only it didn't feel painful now, it felt almost... strengthening, almost like power, coursing through his veins. He groaned through the pain of impact with the stone. He rolled over so he was face up. Emma had gotten up, and had walked over to him. She offered her hand to help Archer up. As he took it, he noticed that she had sustained no physical injury. It looked as if she had not fallen on the ground at all, but had merely landed on her feet. Her hand was smooth and warm, and contact with it sent another tingle down his spine, this time, one that warmed his whole body like a pilot light igniting an entire fireplace with a single touch. Trying to ignore the feeling, he allowed Emma to pull him up. After letting go of her hand, he dusted himself off, and observed his surroundings.

They were on a mountain, for sure, overlooking a body of water next to a range of cliffs and mountains. It was hard to tell anything else due to the sheets of rock on the side of the mountain. A narrow path led down the mountain towards the water, and from the look of it, there was nowhere else to go. Then Archer remembered the portal-like rip. He turned swiftly behind him, but the mysterious wormhole had disappeared. Great. They were trapped.

"Well," Emma pointed out. "There's only one way to go."

"Yeah." Archer sighed. "One way."

The path seemed to go on forever, and if it was not for the fact that both Archer and Emma were experienced outdoors, they may not have made it to the ledge. As they were walking, things started to seem even more out of place. The sharpness of the cliffs and the way the land was shaped didn't look like anything in America. The air also smelled a lot cleaner, and judging by the position of the sun, it was around 11:00 in the morning, where they had come from, it was just past 4:00 in the afternoon. When they had reached a ledge, Archer looked at his phone to check the time. When he saw it, he almost choked. It read 10:09 am, June 18, 1844.

"What?" Emma asked, looking shocked at his reaction. He showed her the image. She did a double take, and said, "Well that can't be right."

Emma always was known for saying obvious things at exactly the right places, and exactly at the wrong places. It always seemed really funny, usually. At this moment, it wasn't.

Archer checked his phone for where they were, but the app didn't show anywhere. It just said that they were somewhere in Norway.

"That's not good," he worried. "That's not good at all."

Again, Emma replied with, "What's not good?"

"It says we're in Norway - but it doesn't say where. Something about this is... familiar..." Archer trailed off, wondering what was so relatable about this. He'd never experienced anything like this before. He walked on, and looked beyond a patch of the cliff wall that was missing, giving a clear view of the terrain. Archer sucked in his breath.

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