Chapter Eight: Rocky Rollercoaster

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Eggman sneaks his way to the control room of the roller coaster, and one of his robots ties up the control guy. "You wait right here, it's my turn now." Doctor Eggman says while hacking the control panel with a computer bug. The Rollercoaster stops. "Huh? It stopped." Amy quoted. "What's the meaning of this!?" Knuckles shouted angrily, about to punch something. Then the Rollercoaster started to move a little, but then it went crazy fast and light speed! Everyone was trying to hold on for life, people were banging around like a rock concert. "We need to get everyone off safely!" Sonic shouted before jumping off the Rollercoaster and onto another rail.
Tails gets off and flys above and tries to grab people off the ride. The Coster was moving too fast for tails to keep up, twisting and turning it was going, sonic jumps in front of the ride and speeds ahead of it. Knuckles glides to another rail and waits for it to come. Amy also gets off and runs to find the control panel. Sonic jumps up and does the sonic adventure 2 pose in midair, then boosts to the people and grabs half of them the jumps off to somewhereaway from the coster. "You people stay here, we got this."
The ride charges at knuckles. "Bring it on!" Knuckles pushes the ride back, but it's still moving forward! Knuckles is holding it back so Tails can get the rest off to safety. Tails grabs the other half of civilians and flys them down with the others. Amy finds the control room and gets on the panel to hack out the bug. Surprisingly, it worked! The Coster stopped and knuckles glided off the rails. Team Advance got through Rocky Rollercoaster! Rank: A.

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